This Is The Worst Holiday Leslie Created On Parks And Recreation

Amy Poehler's portrayal of Leslie Knope on NBC's Parks and Recreation made the plucky parks department guru of Pawnee, Indiana into one of the most iconic characters of the 2010s. However, if one were actually forced to coexist with Knope in real life, it could prove to be a task as daunting as the citizens of Pawnee and Eagleton attempting to do the same. 

Her heart of gold and fierce loyalty to her friends notwithstanding, Leslie has more than a few quirks to contend with. From her myriad hairbrained schemes (and the obsessively-complied binders she prepares and hands out for each of them) to her penchant for doling out terrible advice, a friendship with Leslie means having to navigate a veritable minefield of potential mishaps and awkward situations.

Where these Leslie-isms are concerned, though, few are as wacky as her seemingly endless list of made-up holidays. While there is nothing wrong with having special days or traditions among a group of friends or family members, Leslie has a lot of them, many of which are very, very strange. And a few of them are a lot weirder than the others.

Ann Day is Leslie's worst holiday

From Watch Synchronization Day on July 8 — where she and Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott) sync their watches so they will "always be in harmony, like their hearts" — to Sex Day on April 24 — the day she and Ben witnessed two custodians doing the deed in a supply closet — there is nothing Leslie won't celebrate. However, one holiday reigns over the others as the worst of the bunch. Namely, Ann Day, which falls on March 14 — the date Ben told Leslie that he thought Ann was nice.

Although Leslie and Ben fall for each other, get married and eventually start a family, one could argue that Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones) is actually the love of Leslie's life. From Parks and Recreation's early days to Ann's season 6 exit, Leslie is constantly professing her love for her BFF (or showing it through a series of occasionally ill-informed grand gestures). So, it should come as no surprise that Leslie would dedicate a whole day to her.

Strangely, though, Ann isn't actually a part of Ann Day. 

As Leslie explains, it's instead "a day about Ann, not Ann's day about herself." In other words, it's like a birthday party where the person who is ringing in another year on the planet isn't invited to attend.

That's probably fine if you're, say, George Washington, but definitely less so if you're Ann and your best friends are off having an incredible time without you.