Here's How You Can Watch Every Season Of Lucifer

What do you get when you cross unsolved murders, angels and demons, and the literal Devil himself? You get Lucifer, of course. The hit TV series combines police procedural drama with elements of the supernatural, not to mention a charming leading man (Tom Ellis) whose character invokes fear into the hearts of the wicked in between therapy sessions. The show has a whopping 86% approval score on Rotten Tomatoes, bringing new meaning to the old Shakespearean quote: "The devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape."

The concept of Lucifer was based on a character created by Neil Gaiman and first appeared in the DC Sandman comic books. Lucifer later got his own comic spin-off series written by Mike Carey. The TV show is a very loose adaptation of both comics; both the Lucifer of the comics and the TV series own a club where Lucifer plays piano, and both versions cite that he has become tired of his role as the gatekeeper of Hell and decides to start a new life on earth. The show veers drastically from the original source material from there, having Lucifer team up with the LAPD to solve murder cases while fighting off minions from both Heaven and Hell who wish him to return to his post. 

While fans of the show have had to contend with Lucifer's on again/off again status, the show is currently holding strong at five seasons, with a sixth reportedly picked up to end out the series. If you're looking to get caught up before the new episodes roll out, here's how you can watch every episode of Lucifer.

Where to watch every episode of Lucifer

The Fox network was home to Lucifer for three seasons before cancelling the series in 2018. However, thanks to the avid fans working together to start an online campaign, Lucifer was quickly scooped up by Netflix, effectively saving the series and bringing it back from the depths of a fiery inferno. Now all five (or more accurately, four and a half) seasons are available to stream on the platform.

While Netflix may be considered the hero that revived Lucifer, it is the fans who should be given credit as the show's true saviors. After the initial announcement of the series' cancellation by Fox, fans heeded a call to arms by instigating a trending hashtag on Twitter — #SaveLucifer — as well as creating an online petition in an attempt to have the show renewed. Netflix even paid tribute to the fans' rallying cry by naming episode nine of season four: "Save Lucifer." Netflix is currently streaming every Lucifer episode, including the first eight episodes of the fifth season. The remaining half of the fifth season, consisting of eight more episodes, will be released on May 28th.