The Underrated Adam Scott Horror Comedy You Need To Watch On Netflix

Generally speaking, horror comedies fall into two categories. The classics, like Shaun of the Dead and Cabin in the Woods, will stick with you forever. The ones that fall flat will leave you depressed enough that you'll get really invested in claymation for a while. And if you're looking for a little of column A and a little of column B, look no further than Parks & Rec's Adam Scott and his altogether underrated indie picture Little Evil, currently available to stream on Netflix.

Released in 2017 as a Netflix original, Little Evil tells the story of Gary and Samantha Bloom, a recently married couple trying to find their own slice of suburban bliss. The wrench in the proverbial gears is Lucas, Samantha's five-year-old son, a cherubic little fella who, cards on the table, tends to be the direct cause of a lot of mysterious deaths. By way of example, Gary finds himself at the business end of a sternly toned meeting with Lucas' school principal after Lucas' teacher jumps to her death after the boy tells her to "go to hell." Parenthood is hard, and being a stepparent to a child conceived as part of a doomsday cult ritual can, in many cases, be even harder.

Little Evil reminds us of what we always knew: Kids are the devil

Shot on a comparatively shoestring budget in less than a month, Little Evil has all the makings of a cult classic waiting to be rediscovered. It's frankly a little bit wild that the film didn't get more attention when it first came out. It came from Eli Craig, writer and director of the impeccably brilliant, criminally underappreciated horror gem Tucker and Dale Versus Evil, and featured performances from Sally Field, Clancy Brown, and Evangeline Lilly, right off the back of Ant-Man and at the absolute height of society's unparalleled case of Evangeline Lilly fever. Tucker and Dale's Tyler Labine even makes an appearance, as does Scrubs' Donald Faison.

What's more, the handful of reviews that Little Evil received were pretty uniformly positive. It currently boasts a 92% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics praising the long-overdue lambasting of films like The Omen as an apt allegory for the fear of parenthood that many people face, as well as the struggles of latent father figures trying to make a tough family dynamic pan out.

Don't let the positive vibes fool you, though. The movie has plenty of borderline nauseating gore to keep horror fans at attention and a healthy portion of laugh-out-loud moments, too. Even if it never got the praise it deserved, Little Evil is a great time.