Did Graham Norton Confirm What We Suspected All Along About Wonder Woman 1984?

Possible spoilers ahead for Wonder Woman 1984

After numerous delays, the world will finally get the chance to see the next chapter in the story of the Themysciran Princess. Wonder Woman 1984 is set to be released on Christmas Day 2020, in theaters (where they're open) and on HBO Max. Releasing such a massive blockbuster on a streaming platform (at no additional charge to subscribers) is a huge move with significant industry repercussions rendered even more severe by the fact that Warner Bros. is doing the same thing with its entire 2021 slate of films, including DuneThe Matrix 4, and Mortal Kombat.

It remains to be seen if this will be the way forward for the future of movies, or if it's just a short-term solution while the world still grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic. No doubt the success of Wonder Woman 1984 will play a significant role in assessing whether this release strategy is viable for tentpole features. For now, fans can simply look forward to another action-packed adventure. 

In the lead-up to the film, it's business as usual as the cast promotes the film on various talk shows, including The Graham Norton Show. If you tuned into Gal Gadot's recent appearance on the show, then you may have been taken aback at a pretty major spoiler reveal for what we can expect going into the movie. Proceed at your own risk if you haven't seen Wonder Woman 1984 yet. 

The invisible jet will (supposedly) appear in Wonder Woman 1984

Gal Gadot joined Norton and his other guests virtually to promote the upcoming film, and during the interview, Norton mentioned, "Wonder Woman fans rejoice because in this outing we get to see the invisible plane. Well we didn't see it obviously, it's invisible. But the invisible plane is in it." While there's been no official confirmation up until this point whether we'd see Wonder Woman's iconic invisible jet, there's possibly a reference to it in one of the trailers when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) says, "The way I fly, they will never find us."

Gadot seemed pretty upset when Norton apparently spilled the beans. She quickly scolded him, saying, "I don't know what you're talking about Graham ... You just gave away a major, major spoiler." Norton goes on to say, "We might cut that out," but given the fact the moment has its very own clip on the official Graham Norton Show YouTube page, that obviously didn't happen. 

It's possible Norton didn't have all the facts straight, but given Gadot's reaction, it seems like maybe he gave away something he shouldn't have. Luckily, while the invisible jet's presence in the movie has been potentially revealed, we don't have any details concerning how it will factor into the plot, so there's still a lot to look forward to. The invisible plane has been a recurring tool in Wonder Woman's arsenal in the comic books dating back to 1942, so the fact we may finally see it in a live-action film is definitely exciting, and opens up a lot of possibilities for the future of the character. 

You can (allegedly) "see" the invisible jet in action when Wonder Woman 1984 drops in theaters and on HBO Max on December 25, 2020.