The Harry Potter Character That Over 25% Of People Would Eliminate

The Harry Potter series is full of characters, and apparently, not all of them are particularly popular.

From Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) himself to his nemesis, Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) to his friends and confidantes at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and his allies in the rebellious Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter has hundreds of characters with their own rich inner lives, supporting Harry as he tries to bring down the Dark Lord and his acolytes. Throughout his journey in J.K. Rowling's seven books and the eight-part movie series released by Warner Bros., Harry meets quite a lot of people, and apparently, fans wish one of them had just been cut from the series entirely.

According to a Looper survey, when presented with several seemingly important characters from the Harry Potter franchise, fans agreed that they would nix this one specific person. Here's the Harry Potter character that the majority of fans say they would cut out from the entire series.

The Harry Potter character that would hit the cutting room floor might surprise you

When given the choice between seven characters, 25% of fans agreed that Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), Harry's sneering Hogwarts bully who prizes the "purity" of magical blood and torments half of his fellow students, could get cut from the series entirely.

Potions professor Severus Snape (the late Alan Rickman), who proves to be one of the most pivotal characters in the entire series, came in second place with 13% of the vote regardless of the fact that he turns out to be a helping, supportive presence for Harry throughout. Following closely behind Snape is Harry's right hand man and best friend, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint), who acts as a major source of the franchise's comic relief, with 12% of the vote.

Shockingly, Harry himself took fourth place with 11%, and his nemesis Voldemort followed in fifth place at 10%. Rounding out the list are Harry's mentor Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) and his whip-smart best friend Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), with 7% and 6% of the vote, respectively, and 12% of fans responded with "other."

Malfoy might seem expendable to some fans, but in the end, he's in the series for better or for worse, and there's no question that Felton gives a truly excellent performance. The Harry Potter films are available to rent or buy on major streaming platforms.