Alien Fans Just Got Exciting News

The last time audiences had the chance to journey into a horrifying world filled with Xenomorphs and chest-bursting was with 2017's Alien: Covenant. Ever since, there's been talk of a follow-up to bring the story of the android David (Michael Fassbender) to a close, but nothing has materialized so far. With each passing year since 2017, it's seemed less and less likely that we'd get another Alien movie, especially one that involved original Alien director Ridley Scott. While it may not be a movie, we now have a better idea of what the future of the franchise will look like, and it will come from an incredibly exciting partnership. 

During Disney Investor Day 2020, it was revealed that Scott, along with Legion and Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley, would develop a new Alien TV series for FX. It will be the first Alien show to come to fruition, and for fans of the science-fiction-horror franchise, the announcement is enough to drool over. 

The Alien TV series will mark the first time Xenomorphs come to Earth

Numerous humans have met their fates at the hands (and jaws) of Xenomorphs over the years, but in all of the Alien movies, the adventure has been in space or on some far-off planet. While nothing is really known about the series as of this moment, there is one massively intriguing tidbit that was stated during Investor Day. 

This series will be the first time an Alien story has taken place predominantly on Earth, which opens up a whole new world of terrifying possibilities. It would definitely be outstanding if Ridley Scott returned to direct an episode or two, seeing as he recently did as much for his HBO Max series, Raised by Wolvesso it's within the realm of possibility.

Back when the idea of an Alien TV show was just a rumor, Noah Hawley spoke about the supposed project to Deadline, stating, "I know that like any studio that there's a great desire to make the most of one's library so I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that." When asked if he'd be involved with it, Hawley played coy by saying, "I have conversations from time to time, but I'm not committed." It looks like conversations took a positive spin, and with Scott and Hawley at the helm, fans of the franchise can rest assured the future is in excellent hands.