Things We Want To See In Season Two Of Stargirl

The first season of Stargirl was a rollicking good time. Not only did spunky teen Courtney Whitmore live up to the Starman legacy as Stargirl, but she also helped to create a new Justice Society of America. Stargirl leaned into its Golden Age of Comics roots, even introducing Pat "Stripesy" Dugan's first team, the Seven Soldiers of Victory. Legacy was the most important theme of the show, as a younger generation of heroes and villains tried to establish their own stories. In the end, the new JSA triumphed over the Injustice Society and avenged the deaths of the JSA at their hands.

Given that Stargirl takes place on the new, post-Crisis Earth-2, there is a wide-open landscape as to the characters who might be introduced on the show. We received a tantalizing glimpse of the Shade, the one ISA member who didn't participate in their scheme. Sir Justin, the Shining Knight, started a quest to locate the other members of the Seven Soldiers of Victory. We saw how the murderous Shiv found a crystal containing the incredibly dangerous villain Eclipso. Several children of dead or captured ISA members lurk as potential future opponents. And of course, Starman himself returned at the very end of the season finale, having somehow survived his showdown with the ISA. 

Let's explore things we want to see in season two of Stargirl, both in terms of picking up on threads already established as well as introducing new characters from the comics.

Beth Chapel In action

In many respects, Beth Chapel started out as an afterthought for the new JSA. Stargirl recruited Wildcat and Hourman, but Beth overheard them planning to steal Dr. Mid-Nite's high-tech goggles and then insisted on tagging along with everyone else. While those goggles and the Charles McNider AI program in them made her highly useful for planning, data, and infiltration, Beth didn't have any superpowers of her own, nor did she know how to fight. When the goggles were destroyed by the Icicle, she was despondent. Not just because she lost the item that made her a superhero, but because she lost her friend, whom she called "Chuck." 

According to reports, Charles McNider himself will appear in season two of Stargirl to help Beth fix the goggles and otherwise learn how to be a superhero. One thing that needs to happen for Beth is to learn how to fight. Dr. Mid-Nite had all kinds of gadgets in addition to his goggles. They included blackout bombs, which created smoky cover of darkness; naturally, being able to see in the dark gave him an edge against his opponents. Dr. Mid-Nite's strongest weapon was the Cryotuber, which allowed him to temporarily paralyze his opponents. It could also be used as a laser and to freeze things. 

Above all else, Beth must learn how to fight. Luckily, she can train with martial artists like Stargirl and Wildcat as well as McNider himself, who could teach her how to fight blind.

The Shade and Stargirl striking up a friendship

One of the most interesting aspects of James Robinson's revival of Starman was that Jack Knight became friends with the old JSA villain the Shade, who lived in Opal City. The long-lived Shade was a resident of Opal City, but he had committed most of his mischief in other places, usually against Jay Garrick (The Flash). The Shade was presented as an anti-hero, one who was slowly influenced toward goodness by his friendship with Jack.

The Shade was introduced toward the end of the season one finale of Stargirl as the sole member of the ISA who was unaccounted for. He showed up at ISA headquarters, lamenting the plan of the Icicle. It was clear that he didn't approve of it and it's obvious that he will be a presence in the second season, but will he be one of the major villains and possibly align with the darkness-embracing Eclipso, or will he have another role?

It would be interesting if he was impressed with Courtney on the show the same way he was with Jack in the comics. He could be amused by her at first and then find himself respecting her. On Courtney's part, there could be tension between her and Pat, as she could believe that the Shade had changed, whereas Pat would insist that he's a murderer. There are a lot of ways this could play out, but hopefully, the Shade won't simply be another generic villain.

Mike Dugan and the Thunderbolt

One of the most tantalizing loose ends from Stargirl season one was that the seemingly ordinary pen used to summon Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt was simply sitting in a jar on Courtney's desk. She clicked the pen repeatedly in an effort to make it work, but other than an impish giggle that she couldn't quite hear, nothing happened. Like the Cosmic Staff, it seemed like the Thunderbolt was picky with regard to whom it bonded with. 

Courtney's younger stepbrother Mike Dugan agitated to join the new JSA the moment that he realized his sister was Stargirl and his dad had a big robot. There's no doubting his bravery, as he ran over Icicle with a truck at the end of the season one finale. The Thunderbolt inside the pen is an unpredictable extradimensional lightning genie, and it's unclear how it chooses its human partners. In the comics, Johnny Thunder was a silly, clumsy figure. It was the Thunderbolt who stepped in every time to save the day, often moving so quickly that it seemed like Johnny was doing all the work. 

That's why it makes sense for Mike to bond with the Thunderbolt. He's a little goofy and in over his head much of the time, but his loyalty and good nature are unquestionable. It would create a tense dynamic with Pat, who probably wouldn't want another of his kids to be a superhero. The Thunderbolt's unpredictable nature would also make for some fun team dynamics.

The Royal Flush Gang and Sam Kurtis

One of the biggest heartbreaks for Courtney was learning that her real father was not in fact Starman, but rather a seemingly nondescript drifter named Sam Kurtis. When Courtney's mother reached out to him after he had been out of their lives for over a decade, he shocked everyone by appearing on their doorstep. He initially seemed sincerely apologetic until the reason for his visit became apparent: he wanted the locket that she wore around her neck because it was valuable. He made all kinds of promises about bringing her out to visit him, but it was clear to everyone that he was just a grifter.

In the comics, he was revealed to be a former low-ranking member of the Royal Flush Gang, a playing card-inspired group of criminals with sophisticated weaponry. The five leaders of the group formed a royal flush in poker: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten. Kurtis never rose above the Two of Clubs. However, lower-level members rose with superior performance, and giving the Royal Flush Gang information about Courtney might very well be his ticket to advancing.

That could lead to an all-out battle between the Royal Flush Gang and the JSA, with Courtney feeling conflicted about fighting her birth father. It could also lead to a real reckoning with Sam realizing that he's put his daughter in danger. 

The Mist and Rag Doll

While all of the business with the JSA is fun, the name of the show is still Stargirl. As such, it would make sense to introduce some villains that her predecessor in the comics faced. The longtime solo enemy of Starman was the Mist, a criminal mastermind who could turn his body into fog. He could still keep other parts of his body solid, so he often presented himself as fog with a head and a hand with a gun. He set up both of his children with his powers, and his daughter Nash proved to be particularly vicious in her obsession with Jack Knight. The original Mist finally died when Ted Knight sacrificed himself to save Opal City. Seeing one of the teens in Blue Valley gain the Mist's powers would give Courtney a new challenge, especially if they had a personal grudge against her.

The Rag Doll was a triple-jointed contortionist who wore a doll's suit in order to commit crimes. Later in life, as he was dying, he formed a murderous cult around him and threatened the loved ones of Starman, the Flash, and the Green Lantern, and it may have been Ted Knight himself who killed him. It's hard to keep a good psychopath down, however, and he was resurrected by Neron to commit more mischief before he was defeated again. A Rag Doll in Blue Valley who threatened to kill Courtney's loved ones would be a frightening villain. 

Wildcat and Hourman sharing secrets

Yolanda Montez and Rick Tyler came from vastly different backgrounds, but of them found themselves as outcasts. Rick's parents were killed by Solomon Grundy, and he was raised by an abusive uncle. He was an outsider at school, always feeling defensive. Yolanda was an A+ student who was betrayed by her boyfriend Henry King, Jr. when he shared a nude selfie that he badgered her into sending him. She was ostracized at school and by her parents.

Both of them found what they needed as members of the JSA. Being Wildcat gave Yolanda a sense of justice. Becoming Hourman gave Rick an outlet for his rage and desire for revenge. A funny thing happened, however: After Yolanda lectured Rick about wanting to kill Grundy, Rick found that he couldn't deliver the killing blow. He realized that Grundy was a menace, but also had the intelligence of a child, so Rick let him go. Killing him wasn't going to bring back his parents. However, after Yolanda watched Brainwave kill his son Henry Jr., she didn't hesitate to slash his throat and watch him die.

This needs follow-up in season 2. In particular, these two outcasts need to trust each other and share their secrets together. Yolanda crossed a line, and Rick needs to be there to help her through this, as well as figure out his own purpose in life.


The new JSA is a bit like Infinity, Inc. from the comics — a team of young legacy heroes that was turned down for JSA membership and formed their own team instead. Some of them were the children of members of the JSA and others were inspired by them, but they all looked up to them as role models. Helix formed because a group of children was given powers in utero by a deranged man named Dr. Benjamin Love. He told the mothers that their children were stillborn, took them away, and raised them in total isolation. When Love apparently died, they deduced what happened from his diary and started committing crimes. They were the moral opposites of Infinity, Inc.

The group included Mister Bones (cyanide touch), Penny Dreadful (energy blasts), Tao Jones (energy deflector), Baby Boom (could blow things up with her mind), Kritter (doglike human who was a tech wiz and hacker), and Arak Wind-Walker (wind control). They fought Infinity, Inc. a number of times before they were captured and remanded into the custody of the state, since they were teens. 

This would make an interesting set of opponents for the new JSA on Stargirl, because Courtney is someone who receives a tremendous amount of love and support from her family. A group like Helix that was raised in isolation would be an interesting contrast. Another possibility might be some of the kids orphaned after the events of the season one finale banding together and lashing out.

Alien Hawks

Hawkman and Hawkgirl were both members of the JSA and were killed by the ISA. What wasn't revealed was which version of the Hawks died. If it was the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl, then they were the reincarnated versions of the originals dating back to ancient Egypt. Considering that this storyline was well-traversed over on Legends of Tomorrow, it would be more interesting if new Hawks arose who were the Silver Age versions of the characters.

That would be Katar Hol and his wife Shayera, who were both from the planet Thanagar, police officers on their native world who tracked an alien criminal to Earth and then decided to stay. That basic concept would be a snug fit on Stargirl, as it could be revealed that they were sent to investigate the disappearance of the Hawkman and Hawkgirl who died with the JSA. Staying in line with the rest of the show, they could be the children of the originals looking for their parents. 

Keeping two revenge-minded aliens with a highly developed and bloodthirsty sense of justice in line could be an interesting challenge for Stargirl, and it would also keep up the theme of JSA members as outcasts looking to find a place to fit in. Being a brother-sister team could also open things up to interesting romance possibilities with the other members of the team if the show decides to start to go down that path. 

Jade and Obsidian

In the comics, Jennie-Lynn Hayden and Todd Rice were the Green Lantern's children — the Golden Age Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Their mother was a super-villain named Thorn, and she kept the pregnancy secret. She was so worried she'd be a terrible mother that she gave her twins up for adoption, and they were separated. Scott had been exposed to magic that gave his children powers. The twins became aware of each other's existence when they were teens, deduced who their real father was, and realized that they had superpowers.

Jennie-Lynn's skin turned green and she had a Green Lantern's powers: the ability to create green constructs limited only by her imagination. Todd's powers were darkness-related: he could merge with his own shadow, become intangible, and make shadow constructs. Both decided to join Infinity, Inc. when they were rejected by the JSA.

Considering that Alan Scott's lantern is in Courtney's possession, someone is going to claim it at some point. Blue Valley versions of Jennie-Lynn and Todd would make sense, as both could start to feel their powers emerge and not understand them. They both might try to claim the Lantern, and if it chose Jennie-Lynn over Todd, they could delve into another story from the comics: Todd's descent into the insanity he inherited from his mother. The presence of the Shade and Eclipso during Stargirl's first season would make him a perfect ally for them in a season whose theme could be darkness and light.

The Seven Soldiers of Victory and the Iron Hand

One of the more interesting reveals in Stargirl season one was that the school's janitor was actually Sir Justin, the time-traveling Shining Knight from Camelot. Wielding Excalibur, he joined forces with the Star-Spangled Kid (later Starman), Stripesy, the Vigilante, the Crimson Avenger and Wing, and the Green Arrow & Speedy to become the Seven Soldiers of Victory (the fact that this was actually eight people was apparently a point of argument). 

Left for dead by the Dragon King, Sir Justin lost his memory, but seeing Pat Dugan again helped him regain it. After defeating the ISA, Sir Justin went off on a quest to find the other Soldiers. If Stargirl keeps up with its Golden Age roots, then it would make sense for Justin to discover that the rest of his team had been scattered by the Iron Hand, their arch-nemesis. This criminal mastermind used criminal underlings he referred to as his "five fingers" to pull various heists before the Soldiers formed to stop him. He later got revenge on them by scattering them in time. 

Weaving the Iron Hand's story with the main plot of the show could lend itself to an epic sweep. Sir Justin's quest could lead him through time in order to find his missing teammates and bring them back to help stop the Iron Hand's plot for world domination.