Bloopers That Make Us Love The Umbrella Academy Even More

The Umbrella Academy has aired a mere 20 episodes over its two season run on Netflix, but for many viewers, it already feels like a member of the family — assuming, of course, said family is of the wildly dysfunctional, super-powered, world-destroying-slash-saving nature. 

If you've yet to welcome the Hargreeves' into your own home, The Umbrella Academy is based on an award-winning series of graphic novels from Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. Set in a hyper-stylized, alternate reality, the series follows a super-powered team of adoptive siblings as they try to protect the world from all manner of fearsome foes (which, as it happens, has also included themselves). The time-hopping second season hit Netflix earlier this year, and did so with as many quippy one-liners, spectacular set-pieces, and mind-blowing narrative twists as fans have come to expect. Season 2 finds Luther (Tom Hopper), Klaus (Robert Sheehan), Vanya (Elliot Page), Number 5 (Aidan Gallagher), Diego (David Castañeda, and Allison (Emily Raver-Lampman) stuck in Dallas, Texas circa 1963, and it also shows them desperately trying to both make their way back to their own 2019 timeline, and also prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Spoiler alert — they're only successful in one of those endeavors, but you'll have to watch season 2 of The Umbrella Academy if you want to know which. As you're binging that head-spinning run of episodes, be sure to note just how much fun it appears the series' cast is having throughout. And if you're dying to see the Hargreeves gang and the rest of season 2 crew cutting up behind-the-scenes, know the new blooper reel that has found its way to YouTube is bound to make you love The Umbrella Academy even more. 

Robert Sheehan steals the show with some Klaus-tastic outtakes

There's little question that things got very heavy for the Hargreeves' over the course of The Umbrella Academy's second season. It's also pretty clear, from the blooper reel, that the cast members managed to keep things exceedingly light behind the scenes. That fact is obvious even from the opening moments of the blooper reel, which feature fan-fave Robert Sheehan undercutting one of the season's funniest gags (Luther's unfortunate elevator blunder) with a beyond brilliant bit of Klaus-y ad-libbing. 

Not for nothing, but the ad-lib in question is about as vintage a Klaus Hargreeves moment as the series has ever delivered (even the director calls it a great scene). So much so that it's hard to imagine exactly why the line didn't make its way into the final cut of the episode.

For the record, Klaus fans are in for a treat with this blooper reel, because Sheehan is hamming it up throughout, at one point delivering one of the greatest outtakes in outtake history by lovingly crooning Mike and the Mechanics' 1980s anthem "All I Need Is A Miracle" to his not-so straight-faced co-star Justin H. Min. 

The Umbrella Academy cast had some laughs, flubbed some lines, and delivered a trove of self-shot footage

To watch even an episode of The Umbrella Academy is to understand there's a serious family vibe going on both in front of and behind the camera on the show. Just in case there were any doubt, that vibe is well on display in this blooper reel, with the series' entire cast (even the super-serious Swedish Bros.) generally cutting up and breaking character with boisterous laughs throughout. 

And while one of the reel's funnier moments finds Elliot Page and Marin Ireland pricelessly missing their marks during a vital exchange, there are also some memorably flubbed lines spotting the reel that are sure to get fans of the series laughing out loud. Aidan Gallagher (Number Five) undoubtedly has the best when he catches himself stumbling through the infamous "Seven Stages of Paradox Psychosis."

Unsurprisingly, some of the best behind-the-scenes moments of the reel come in self-shot footage from The Umbrella Academy cast members, with Emily Raver-Lampman catching Elliot Page seriously lamenting the sub-zero temperature on the series' frigid Toronto set. Likewise, an extended video of the entire cast having a laugh while crammed into a station wagon is sure to bring a smile to the faces of any The Umbrella Academy fan.

Kate Walsh (aka The Handler) has a prop malfunction and a line flub for the ages in the blooper reel

The actors who portray the Hargreeves kids are understandably the stars of this comically revealing The Umbrella Academy gag reel, owning their fair share of the funnier outtakes coming with prop mishaps. And while it's a good bit of fun to see Elliot Page's annoyance when a table collapses during a simple cut-away scene, one of his co-stars has one of the best prop mishaps of the entire reel. 

That co-star is Kate Walsh, who portrays the fascistic Commission cog, the Handler, in the series. This is a character who isn't exactly averse to double-dealing and vicious acts of violence, and one of the Handler's more brazen acts came in a season 2 episode that saw her murder one of her own subordinates in hopes of keeping a damning secret quiet. The scene also provided Walsh with a seriously funny prop malfunction when the fake, spring-action knife she's using flies from her hand in the act of stabbing.  

As it happens, Walsh also had another of the gag reels' best outtakes — one that finds the actor struggling mightily (and utterly failing) to mutter a line with a mouthful of food.

The Umbrella Academy narrowly (and hilariously) avoided an embarrassing Game of Thrones-style gaffe

While Game of Thrones has virtually nothing in common with The Umbrella Academy, save for their fantasy roots, there's a gut-busting Thrones call out in The Umbrella Academy blooper reel, that's bound to leave the HBO production team with faces firmly planted in palms. That crew, of course, delivered one of the most embarrassing gaffes in television history in a final season episode that saw a cast member leave a coffee cup in frame for a key scene. Perhaps more shocking than that gaffe was that the cup in question somehow eluded the site of the episode's entire post-production team, and actually made it to air before being spotted by a savvy fan.

As it happens, The Umbrella Academy narrowly-avoided a similar mishap, and were only saved by David Castaneda, who can be seen shouting, "Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones!" while pointing out a visible soda can to his cast mates prior action being called. But even as funny as that late-in-the-game soda can save is, the tragic-hilarity of it will certainly not be lost on Game of Thrones fandom. Enjoy!