Things Are Reportedly Looking Up For Marvel's She-Hulk Series

For months, many fans have been excited for the upcoming Disney+ series that will feature characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision, Loki, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and She-Hulk have all been announced, and they're in various stages of development and production. The COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the release dates for just about every project on this list, but this week brought some rare good news on this front: It looks like She-Hulk is at least moving in the right direction. According to The Direct, She-Hulk is reportedly set to begin shooting in Atlanta, Georgia in February 2021.

This is very welcome news out of the MCU. If the show is truly set to start filming in February, fans can fairly expect to receive a solid amount of new information about She-Hulk in the next few months. From casting choices and plot details to previews and interviews, many more details about the show could be on the way.

She-Hulk Smash! Fans are eager for more MCU content

She-Hulk has been shrouded in mystery, like several of Disney+'s upcoming Marvel shows. As of this writing, few plot or casting details have been announced. In a post on her Twitter account, She-Hulk staff writer Dana Schwartz confirmed that the team has finished the show's script. Otherwise, most news about the show has been somewhat vague. In an interview with Cynthia Littleton and Brent Lang of Variety, Mark Ruffalo acknowledged that he's talked with Marvel Studios about appearing on the series. For months, fans have been speculating about which actress will play the titular character. As early as this past February, many rumors connected GLOW star Alison Brie to the role, as Marvel was reportedly looking for someone that met Brie's description. But aside from these hints, fans have had few snippets of solid news to fuel their speculation.

Without any concrete details, there's little for fans to go off of. For example, many fans may want to see the series lean on Charles Soule's acclaimed run on the title, but until Marvel releases more official information about She-Hulk, we'll never know whether or not we'll get to see Her Angriness open a legal practice of her own after getting passed up for a bonus at her big NYC firm. These events demand dramatization!