Hilarious Video Reveals Where Thor Was During Captain America: Civil War

Why wasn't Thor a part of all the drama in Captain America: Civil War? Turns out he wasn't invited, but the fact that he doesn't have a phone doesn't help.

Marvel released the "Team Thor" short film (via CBM), which was specially created by Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi for last month's San Diego Comic-Con. In the documentary-style clip, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) catches us up on what he's been up to while most of the other Avengers were off fighting each other.

The video takes us through a day in the life of the God of Thunder, who moved in with a regular guy named "Darryl" sometime after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

While Thor has been keeping up on his Infinity Stone research and has Darryl help him send "electronic mail," he does seem a little hurt that neither Captain America nor Iron Man asked him to be in their Civil War. When he grabs coffee with the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor reveals that he actually offered his services to both sides. Maybe next time someone needs to send a raven.

Watch the video above and check out facts you might not know about the Avengers.