One Star Wars Jedi Used Six Lightsabers At Once - But We'll Likely Never See Him

In addition to mastering the Force and committing oneself to finding inner peace and balance, one of the main elements of becoming a Jedi is mastery of the lightsaber. All Jedi get to use one of these remarkable weapons and train with them as they build a harmonious connection with the Force. In some instances, Jedi get to use more than one saber — often two — or variants of it, such as those with two blades or staff-like hilts. Then there's Jedi Master Skwelli, who can hold and use six lightsabers at once.

Introduced in the 2010 book "The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force" by Daniel Wallace, Skwelli is a member of the worm-like Priapulin species who served the Jedi Order centuries before the events of the Galactic Civil War. Along the edges of their bodies, Priapulin are covered in bristles and appendages that can be used as hands. Skwelli elects to use them to hold all six of his lightsabers, and he becomes incredibly proficient at doing so. In fact, even seasoned Jedi, such as Jedi Battlemaster Skarch Vaunk, are in awe of his abilities with that many blades. Unfortunately, Skwelli and the Priapulin fall squarely under the non-canon "Star Wars" Legends banner, so it's unlikely we'll see him appear in any canon stories in the future.

Then again, given the state of "Star Wars" storytelling, perhaps there's hope for Skwelli yet.

Skwelli going from Legends to canon isn't impossible

To date, the only time "Star Wars" fans have heard of Master Skwelli is through the aforementioned "The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force." As for the Priapulin, the species only came up in the 2000s' "Rogue Planet" by Greg Bear and 2002's "The New Jedi Order: Traitor" by Matthew Stover. Otherwise, they neither get any time to shine in "Star Wars" Legends, nor are they factored into any canon stories. However, that's not to say it's impossible for Skwelli and the Priapulin to enter the main "Star Wars" timeline at some point.

Since Disney took over the "Star Wars" franchise in 2012, streamlining the canon and writing off most creative efforts as Legends material, some of these non-canon elements have crept their way back into continuity. Perhaps the most famous of the bunch is Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen), who made waves in the '90s as the main antagonist of author Timothy Zahn's now-Legends "Heir to the Empire" trilogy, only to reenter canon thanks to "Star Wars Rebels" and "Ahsoka." This treatment isn't limited to big-name characters either, with story elements like Boba Fett's (Temuera Morrison) escape from the Sarlacc and Emperor Palpatine's (Ian McDiarmid) cloning of himself after his Death Star II death following suit.

All of this is to say that should a "Star Wars" creative with a fascination for the Priapulin and Master Skwelli feel so inclined, fans could see the race and character reenter "Star Wars" canon in due time. If this does come to fruition, which is admittedly, a big if seeing Skwelli wield six lightsabers at once will be a sight to behold.