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Sony May Have Spoiled A Spider-Verse 3 Villain Who Could End The Marvel Universe

"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" has proven to be one of the best-reviewed and most beloved movies of 2023. While this would already be an impressive achievement in its own right, it's especially remarkable when you consider how audiences were blown away by its predecessor, 2018's "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse."

Still, the trilogy is set to barrel onward to its conclusion as "Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse" hovers just over the horizon. As for what fans can expect from the third film, Sony might have spoiled a major plot point, and it involves one of the central antagonists of "Across the Spider-Verse."

While the Spot (Jason Schwartzman) may have come across as a joke when he first appeared in "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse," by the movie's end, it's clear he's become a deadly threat to the Spider-Verse. However, he could be even more dangerous when he returns in the final installment if a recent storyboard from Sony is any indication.

As spotted by X, formerly known as Twitter, user @CanWeGetToast, a blink-and-you-miss-it shot of a giant Spot terrorizing New York City appears in a storyboard comparison that was posted by the official X account for "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse." Even more exciting, the scooper shared that the Spot transforms into the Abyss in the trilogy finale.

Who or what is The Abyss and what does it want?

While the storyboard comparison is primarily filled with scenes viewers are already familiar with, at the 1:25 mark, Gwen Stacy encounters a giant Spot. The villain towers over skyscrapers, terrorizing the city as Gwen looks on.

Though they are separate characters in Marvel Comics, the Spot and the Abyss share the unique power to suck things into their bodies and either hold them there or transport them elsewhere. Furthermore, the Abyss is thought to be so strong that he could end existence as we know it, destroying the universe with his dangerous abilities.

Even more shocking, the Abyss can control the minds of his victims from another dimension and, as such, could be the one behind the Spot's sudden rise from petty crime to arguably the most dangerous figure in "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse."

This lingering force may also be why the Spot's costume appears to be mostly black rather than white, as the power of the Abyss may have altered the Spot's nature. While fans will have to wait until "Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse" arrives in theaters to see how dangerous the Spot has truly become, that won't stop them from speculating on what we could expect from the trilogy's final film.