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Loki Fan Catches Something 'Amiss' With Iron Man In Season 2, Episode 5's Opening

Contains spoilers for "Loki" Season 2, Episode 5 — "Science/Fiction"

Superhero fans are well-acquainted with Marvel Studios' opening production logo at the beginning of all films and shows set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It introduces the main heroes and showcases famous scenes from the franchise within the sequence. There are some variations from one project to the next, of course, but one eagle-eyed fan spotted an intriguing detail within the logo during "Loki" Season 2, Episode 5 — "Science/Fiction."

On X, formerly known as Twitter, @PlaynwfireCP uploaded a clip, pausing at strategic moments so that everyone else could see what happened. There's one piece of the logo where Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) snaps with the Infinity Stones during "Avengers: Endgame." However, right after he does so, it abruptly transitions to a shot of Miss Minutes (Tara Strong). Iron Man disappears completely, with Miss Minutes by herself. But what could it mean?

It could simply be an Easter egg, something fun for hardcore fans to catch. Then again, it may hint at larger machinations that will come into play for the "Loki" Season 2 finale. 

Is Miss Minutes up to no good across the Marvel timeline?

It seems appropriate Miss Minutes appears in the Marvel logo at the same moment He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors) is there. Again, it may not mean anything, or it could hint that "Loki" Season 2 will end with some time-traveling escapades. It would be a fun way to close out the season with Miss Minutes going back to pivotal moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and wreaking havoc. We've already seen how twisted she can be after looking a little too giddy when members of the TVA were crushed in that time cube. 

Then again, would Marvel be willing to bring back some Avengers for an episode of a Disney+ series? The likelihood isn't very high, but perhaps the show would use archival footage, edited slightly to show some of Earth's Mightiest Heroes getting spaghettified, as seen at the end of "Loki" Season 2, Episode 5. It's also possible Miss Minutes showing up in the Tony Stark portion specifically hints at how "Loki" will focus on a very different kind of Infinity War. All of time hangs in the balance, all the way to infinity, so even if they don't visit specific MCU moments, they might embark on a time-traveling adventure to set things right. 

This is all just speculation. We won't know what happens until "Loki" Season 2 ends, but it's laid out some intriguing threads that could have major ramifications for the future of the MCU.