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Ahsoka: Is Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker Returning For More Episodes?

This article contains spoilers for "Ahsoka" Episode 5, "Part Five: Shadow Warrior"

Things are heating up on the Disney+ series "Ahsoka," with the previous two episodes bringing back a prequel trilogy staple: Hayden Christiansen's Anakin Skywalker. Following up his work on "Obi-Wan Kenobi" for Disney+, the actor has returned to the role of the Chosen One for the fourth and fifth episodes of "Ahsoka." This time around, Anakin is in the World Between Worlds, where he takes Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) on a journey of reminiscence and introspection, in addition to giving her a run for her money in two lightsaber duels.

At the end of the fifth "Ahsoka" installment, "Part Five: Shadow Warrior," the title character returns to the land of the living, parting ways with her former Jedi master. Though it seems that Anakin's part in Ahsoka's story is over at this point, there's a chance we haven't seen the last of him on her solo series. In a new "Ahsoka" teaser, we hear a few lines of dialogue from Christiansen that haven't made their way onto the program yet. Unless these are simply unused lines, it stands to reason that he's due for at least one more scene in a future episode as the former Darth Vader.

Unfortunately, for the time being, all we can do is wonder if Anakin will reemerge in the coming "Ahsoka" episodes. After all, Christiansen himself hasn't been much help when it comes to pinpointing where he'll appear next in the galaxy far, far away.

Christiansen has been historically tight-lipped about his Ahsoka involvement

Seeing Hayden Christiansen return to "Star Wars" via "Obi-Wan Kenobi" was a huge deal, especially for those who had grown to love the prequel films years after fans and critics tore them to shreds. Naturally, when word got out that Dave Filoni and the folks at Lucasfilm were working on an "Ahsoka" series, fans were hopeful that Christiansen was also involved in that project so they could see Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker appear in live-action together for the first time. Even though Christiansen's involvement seemed like a no-brainer, the actor tried to hide his inclusion as best he could.

For example, while promoting "Obi-Wan Kenobi," he and the actor behind the titular Jedi, Ewan McGregor, sat down for a chat with The Movie Dweeb. During the interview, Christiansen was asked how working on "Obi-Wan Kenobi" compared to working on "Ahsoka," but the actor — hopeful to avoid spoiling the surprise — refused to budge. "I can't really speak to the Ahsoka series. I don't know about that one," he said with a smile after shrugging his shoulders at the mere idea of him appearing on the show. However, try as he might to keep the secret, news broke of his "Ahsoka" inclusion months before, courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter.

New episodes of "Ahsoka" drop every Tuesday exclusively on Disney+.