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Star Trek: Jonathan Frakes Shot One Graphic Scene To 'Scare The Sh** Out Of You'

Few small screen revivals have received quite as much pre-release hype as "Star Trek: Picard." Even fewer have come as close to living up to the hype, with Patrick Stewart and company exploring the late-in-life adventures of Jean-Luc Picard in compelling, and genuinely thrilling ways. Per TrekMovie.com, the cast and crew of "Picard" assembled for a 2022 panel to talk about their various experiences in bringing Jean-Luc's last blast to life. That includes Stewart's "Star Trek: The Next Generation" co-star Jonathan Frakes, who was asked by one fan about directing a Season 1 scene of "Picard" that leaned further into gore than maybe any "Trek" project past.

The gruesome moment comes in the episode titled "Stardust City Rag," which finds former Borg drone Icheb (Manu Intiraymi) having his technological implants forcibly removed. And according to Frakes, he went into the shoot intending to boldly push "Star Trek" into gory places no film or series had gone before, stating, "I think the objective was to disturb and to make it as painful and graphic and emotional as possible." Frakes would go on to say, "It was challenging and yet exciting to do something that far out of our usual comfort zone. We tried to scare the s*** out of you, and I hope we did." Given that he was actually asked to defend his choice to go gory on "Picard," he clearly achieved that goal, which arguably ranks among the most gut-wrenching in the series' entire run. 

Frakes' Picard actors had nothing but kind words for him as a director

While the controversial "Picard" scene may rank among the bloodiest the "Star Trek" universe has seen, it likely also ranks among the goriest Jonathan Frakes has directed in his behind-the-camera career. For those who don't realize how vast that career is, you should check out Frakes' IMDb page, 'cause he's logged more than 100 small screen directorial credits on 47 different series. He's also called the shots on a handful of feature films and made-for-TV movies. 

Among Frakes' directorial ventures, you will indeed find quite a few came in the "Star Trek" universe, with the man behind Will Riker earning his first credits on "Star Trek: The Next Generation." He went on to helm a pair of "Star Trek" features in 1996's "Star Trek: First Contact," and 1998's "Star Trek: Insurrection," as well as episodes of nearly every "Trek" series that came after, including, of course, "Picard."

He's developed quite a solid reputation as a director too, with his "Picard" scene partner Michelle Hurd in particular singing his praises during the panel. "I adore this man," she said, continuing, "I can't even tell you how much life and love he brings to the set," pointing out Frakes' rep stretches beyond the "Star Trek" realm. "I had the privilege to have him direct me in another series," Hurd added, noting, "and he literally walks on that set and every single department comes to life and is so happy he is going to share his time with us." And so it seems Frakes is Number One in the hearts of more than just "Star Trek" fandom.