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Why Longmire's Cassidy Freeman Lights Up Discussing A Possible New Season Or Film

There's nothing quite like a good mystery. Storytellers have known this for decades, if not centuries, and it's this factor that "Longmire" plays into for its success. While the show, which is based on a series of novels by Craig Johnson, definitely leans into the puzzle-solving aspects that drive so many crime dramas and police procedurals, the series also succeeds by having a tortured protagonist trying to piece his life back together following a devastating loss.

As for Cassidy Freeman, who played Cady Longmire in "Longmire" across all 63 episodes, she's still missing something in her own life following the end of the series. The actor appeared on Michael Rosenbaum's "Inside of You" podcast to talk about how much she'd love to return to the Wyoming setting for a revival of the show and seemed to be genuinely excited by the prospect.

When Rosenbaum asked Freeman whether she'd like to return to "Longmire" for any kind of project, she immediately answered in the affirmative. "Absolutely," she said. The actor went on to note how much she loved working on the series' six seasons and shared the many positive relationships that she had developed over her time on the show.

Freeman has nothing but good things to say about Longmire

Though Cassidy Freeman is currently staying busy with her role as Amber Gemstone on "The Righteous Gemstones," that didn't stop her from effusively declaring her affection for the many friends that she'd made while working on "Longmire."

While it's normal for stars to discuss having positive working relationships on their projects, Freeman name-dropped plenty of "Longmire" players in the interview, including some deep cuts. "Our camera department, Jimmy Muro, was one of our DPs, and he's like a legend. He was the original camera Steadicam operator. Sometimes he couldn't find [the] words," she explained. "He'd be like [gesturing in growls], and I'd be like, yes, I think I know what you mean. He just had so much passion, and he has such a beautiful eye with the camera."

Notably, Freeman and Michael Rosenbaum have a bit of history, as Freeman took over as the villain on "Smallville" after Rosenbaum left the series at the tail end of its seventh season. This could be part of why she was so open with the host, but regardless, it's crystal clear that she loved working on "Longmire" and that she'd come back for more in a heartbeat.