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Here's Where You Can Watch GI Joe: A Real American Hero Online

The 1980s produced some of the most memorable cartoons in television history, and right there among the best of the best is "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero." Like most animated shows aimed at kids from the era, "G.I. Joe" was primarily focused on advertising its tie-in toy line, but for those who grew up with it, it's so much more than a colorful commercial. Decades after they first watched it, fans have held onto "G.I. Joe" and the entertainment and knowledge it provided them during their childhoods, amounting to some strong nostalgia for it in the modern day.

Thankfully, if you're among those who grew up watching "G.I. Joe" and are hoping to give it another look as an adult, it's not a hard series to track down by any means. If you're a Tubi user, the show is available to watch on the app in all of its colorful '80s action glory. Alternatively, Hasbro's — the manufacturer of "G.I. Joe" toys and media — official YouTube channel is also the perfect source for a "G.I. Joe" binge. As if the fact that they're free to watch isn't cool enough, the episodes have been organized into handy playlists for Season 1 and Season 2.

Whether you're new to the world of "G.I. Joe" or are due for a rewatch after some time away, now is as good a time as any for a refresher. Should all bode well, the Joes might be on their way back to the pop culture mainstream very soon.

With the franchise back at the movies, now is a great time for a G.I. Joe rewatch

Time and time again, Hasbro has attempted to put "G.I. Joe" on the map as a viable big-screen franchise with little success. Each and every attempt has underperformed by some metric, leaving many to wonder if the original "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" series will ever be topped. Despite the most recent disastrous attempt to bring the Joes into live-action, 2021's "Snake Eyes," it appears that Hasbro is once again trying to bring them to the cinematic forefront — albeit in an intriguing new way.

At the end of "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts," Noah Diaz (Anthony Ramos) interviews with Agent Burke (Michael Kelly) for a new job. However, it turns out that he's actually being recruited to join the secret government organization known as G.I. Joe. Thus, it seems that a "Transformers"-"G.I. Joe" crossover is officially in the cards, putting two of Hasbro's biggest powerhouse brands together in hopes of tapping into a whole other level of '80s nostalgia. Will it work out? Only time will tell, but this is a fascinating narrative proposition all the same.

With the "G.I. Joe" brand once again making waves at the movies, giving "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" another go wouldn't be a bad move. If nothing else, perhaps it can give us some indication as to what the Joes and Cobra will be up to in cinemas in the coming years.