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Whatever Happened To The Sun Baby From Teletubbies?

For those who grew up in the 1990s, the phrase, "Over the hills and far away, Teletubbies come to play," likely evokes an emotional response. Tinky-Winky (Simon Shelton), Dipsy (John Simmit), Laa-Laa (Nikky Smedley), and Po (Pui Fan Lee) were part of countless childhoods, with young viewers tuning in to see these colorful creatures watch videos on their stomach screens, chow down on some Tubby Custard, and frolic through the hills, all witnessed by the laughing Sun Baby (Jess Smith) in the sky.

Just as "Teletubbies" fans eventually left their youth behind, so did the actress who brought the Sun Baby to life. Smith is now in the latter part of her 20s and living the best of both worlds. On the one hand, she's just your average woman who enjoys traveling and spending time on the beach and who holds a steady job. She told Daily Star, "I now work for a security company based in Medway, managing the administrative side of the process."

Yet, on the other hand, when one learns that she is the original Sun Baby (who was even referenced on "Abbott Elementary"), she'll usually get asked for a photo and autograph. Her Sun Baby fame is something she currently embraces, but for some time, she tried to keep that part of her life private.

Jess Smith didn't reveal her Sun Baby status for many years

It wasn't until her 19th birthday that Jess Smith decided to reveal on social media her very first job: the Sun Baby on "Teletubbies." She said in a post, "I used to hide it, but after a lot of encouragement from my friends at university, I've gained the confidence to come out with it. I am the sun from 'Teletubbies.' There has been quite a few people pretending to be 'the sun,' but only I could tell you the real story."

At 9 months old, during a routine doctor's visit, a midwife informed Smith's parents that a local production company was seeking a smiley baby, and asked if they'd like to submit their daughter's name. Needless to say, this surprise opportunity worked out in the end.

While the Netflix reboot of "Teletubbies" features a rotation of five new Sun Babies, Smith will always be the original. Therefore, she understands the nostalgia felt by her fellow Millennials when she continues to be part of the "Teletubbies" world.