Marvel Characters That Will Not Be In Avengers 4

Part of the human condition is facing existence's harsh truths. Everybody dies. You can't take it with you. You can't always get what you want. You can't have your cake and eat it too (which raises the question of why you have cake, but whatever). All good things come to an end. All is fair in love and war. All's well that ends well. And, believe it or not, not everyone is going to be in Avengers 4

That Anthony and Joseph Russo were able to get a coherent story out of Captain America: Civil War with so many franchises criss-crossing, so many stars, and the burden of introducing two new superheroes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe was impressive. That, with Avengers: Infinity War, the brothers made what is arguably the most ambitious and successful superhero movie yet made with even more stars and more criss-crossing franchises is stunning. Whatever we're going to see in Avengers 4 may bring even more new heroes and villains into the mix, but not everyone's going to make it to the party. 

Right now, the MCU's architects are tight-lipped. We're not even getting an official title or trailer of Avengers 4 until the end of 2018. But we do know that some heroes just won't make it to the final battle with Thanos. 

Here are the Marvel characters that won't be in Avengers 4.

Adam Warlock

Joe Russo dashed the hopes of some fans when he made it clear Adam Warlock would not be appearing in Avengers 4.

Warlock was a pivotal figure in the 1991 comic book miniseries Infinity Gauntlet from which Avengers: Infinity War takes much of its inspiration. One of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2's mid-credits scenes fed fans' expectations that Warlock would appear in either Infinity War or its sequel. The scene featured the villain Ayesha — ruler of the gold-skinned race the Sovereign — facing a mechanical cocoon, and ended with Ayesha calling the cocoon's occupant "Adam." As comic fans know, Adam Warlock has gold skin. He's gone through a number of transformations and rebirths, most of which involve him "gestating" for a time in a large organic cocoon.

Regardless, Russo told it isn't happening. As he explained, "I have no interest as a director in telling a story that's already been told or in seeing one that's already been told. If I know all the events ... as they're going to happen, then what's the point of going to the film?"

In fact, director James Gunn said Warlock isn't official for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 either. "[D]espite so many people thinking Adam will show up in Vol. 3, that is something that we have never confirmed," Gunn tweeted. "Who knows how long it will take him to bake in that cocoon ... I love Adam. But the time must be right."

The X-Men and the Fantastic Four

In spite of rumors to the contrary, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige insists that neither the X-Men nor the Fantastic Four will appear in Avengers 4. In fact, he says there aren't even any post-Avengers 4 plans.

"Not until we're given the word," Feige told Daily News. "I have vague dreams and vague ideas. But right now, bringing to life the 10,000-plus characters that Marvel fully controls is what the gameplan is."

Even if Disney conclusively defeats Comcast in the battle to acquire Fox, it's unlikely any 11th hour edits or reshoots will throw the X-Men or the FF into Avengers 4. Feige told Birth.Movies.Death. that they're already editing Avengers 4, which means that editing began without any final word on a Disney-Fox merger being made. If we're ever going to see Logan and Ben Grimm growling at each other, or Reed Richards talking shop with Bruce Banner, it seems pretty much decided we won't be seeing it in Avengers 4.

Marvel's Netflix heroes

If you're hoping to see the cast of Netflix's Defenders or Punisher — or maybe the kids from Runaways or Cloak & Dagger — in Avengers 4, you should probably go ahead and feel the disappointment now.

In March 2018, Joe Russo told Premiere (via Flickering Myth) the Netflix heroes were considered for inclusion in Avengers: Infinity War, but it would've been too much to juggle.

"[T]he trick is that we already have at least sixty characters with whom we must tell a story!" Russo told Premiere. "And it's hard enough to communicate with Taika Waititi, Ryan Coogler, Scott Derrickson, Peyton Reed and James Gunn at the same time, not to add all the showrunners and TV crews to this ... So it's practically impossible. Our job is to focus on the Marvel film world and offer a satisfying climax."'

Of course, in the interview Russo was talking specifically about Infinity War, not Avengers 4. But it's safe to assume what he told Premiere applies to Avengers 4 as well. After all, regardless of what happens in Avengers 4, nothing has changed about all the different real people and moving parts involved in creating a multi-franchise epic. If it was practically impossible for Infinity War, it's practically impossible for its sequel.

Silver Surfer

Before the release of Avengers: Infinity War, rumors flew around the web that Silver Surfer would make a surprise appearance in the film, fueled by a Metacritic page listing the relative unknown Curt Clendenin as the actor cast as the spacefaring herald of Galactus. Of course, as anyone who saw Infinity War knows, the rumors proved false. Norrin Radd did not report for duty in Infinity War.

While you shouldn't be surprised if similar rumors start flying as Avengers 4 approaches, you can let them zoom on past. Like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer is part of the Fox stable of Marvel film properties, which is why his only live-action film appearance to date came in Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. If and when Disney wins the fight with Comcast over acquiring Fox, the Surfer might make an appearance in the MCU. Until then, Marvel Studios can't legally make him their herald.

And honestly while — like Adam Warlock — Silver Surfer was extremely important in the Infinity Gauntlet comic, even if Disney had the rights to Surfer, introducing him in Avengers 4 would serve to do little more than confuse audiences. The filmmakers would need to introduce Surfer and explain him, which would necessarily mean introducing and explaining Galactus, and they'd need to get that done while tackling everything else they already have on their plates for Avengers 4.


Ever since taking on the role of Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds has proven a master at making life imitate art. Well, not as far as decapitating bad guys goes, but rather when it comes to his character's legendary trolling of the rest of the world's super people. He's made an art out of goading Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman, and his sights aren't limited to the X-Men. As soon as Disney's attempt to acquire Fox was announced, Reynolds tweeted a picture of Deadpool being escorted out of Disneyland. Later, after the success of Avengers: Infinity War, Reynolds tweeted congratulations to the team by posting what he said was his Avengers rejection letter from Tony Stark.

Fans seem more than ready to have Deadpool in the MCU. Speculations and theories have popped up about how he could show up in Avengers 4, theories that Deadpool 2 somehow spoiled the ending of Avengers 4, and doctored images of Deadpool accompanying the Avengers in Avengers 4 set photos.

Sadly, the merc with a mouth will not be in Avengers 4. Like the X-Men, FF, and Silver Surfer, Deadpool remains among Fox's film properties, and the Disney-Fox merger is no sure thing. If Deadpool's going to be killing people in the Jacksonville TGI Fridays or anywhere else, it won't be one in the MCU any time soon. For the time being, he'll just have to do as the Avengers rejection letter suggested and "Go bother Prof. X."