Rian Johnson Pledges Support For Fan Remake Of The Last Jedi

We haven't seen the last of The Last Jedi — at least, not if one vocal contingent of fans gets its way.

When the eighth mainline Star Wars movie saw release in December 2017, not everyone was enamored with the movie's plot, characters, or tendency for subversion. Indeed, many felt that it was not only a bad movie, but a harbinger for the death of Star Wars as we know it.

Rather than move on to other, new and exciting multimedia franchises, some fans have begun a movement to not only correct the record by striking The Last Jedi from series canon, but taking things one step further by then remaking the movie in its entirety.

Described as an effort to "course correct" Disney's interpretation of the Star Wars franchise, the Remake The Last Jedi website describes an apparently very real, very viable effort to obtain the rights to and then mount a multi-million dollar remake of the much-maligned Rian Johnson-directed Star Wars entry. 

The site includes a pitch video of the character Rey approaching Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, with Johnson's face superimposed over Rey's as she extends the script of the movie to a cloaked Luke. Luke's head, it is revealed, has been superimposed with the face of series creator George Lucas. 

So presumably, following this pitch video, the idea here is to get Lucas back in charge for this one, to work some of that Attack of the Clones magic on a series now in disarray. And you know what? It's a good idea. George Lucas has good and interesting ideas.

Despite the remake spokespersons' clear animosity toward him, The Last Jedi and Looper director shared his support for the remake project on Twitter, writing "please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaase please actually happen please please please please please".

Johnson's sincere and impassioned support for the remake project can be seen as nothing less than an unexpected boon for the remake's producers. Could it be that Rian Johnson himself agrees that Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars? It certainly appears that way.

The next Star Wars movie, Episode IX, will be out in theaters on December 20, 2019, directed by J.J. Abrams of The Force Awakens and the eleventh and twelfth Star Trek movies. In the meantime, you can pledge thousands of dollars to help remake The Last Jedi at RemakeTheLastJedi.com.