Shadow And Bone: What Books Are Included In Season 2's Story?

Contains spoilers for "Shadow and Bone" Season 2

Season 2 of Netflix's "Shadow and Bone" is a patchwork narrative adapted from at least four of Leigh Bardugo's seven main Grishaverse novels: "Siege and Storm," "Ruin and Rising," "Six of Crows," and "Crooked Kingdom." The first two books mentioned here are the last two in Bardugo's "Shadow and Bone" trilogy," which is named after the first book in its run, just like the Netflix series. The latter two books are from her "Six of Crows" duology, which is also named after the first book in its run. 

The "A" plot of Season 2 condenses the narratives of "Siege and Storm" and "Ruin and Rising." In this truncated version, Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li), Malyen Oretsev (Archie Renaux), and Nikolai Lantsov (Patrick Gibson) lead the charge against General Kirigan (Ben Barnes), aka The Darkling. Alina seeks out a second, and even a third, amplifier to increase her magical powers. Nikolai eyes the throne, despite being a second-born prince. And perhaps most exciting for fans, Mal and Alina fall in love. But most of the other plots from the books' narratives are cut away. 

"Siege and Storm" carried a great arc involving political unrest, while "Ruin and Rising" harbored a dangerous, religious cult. Sadly, both of these were cut for time.

Season 2 rearranges the story of the Grishaverse

The "B" plot of Season 2 of "Shadow and Bone" combines the character development and side plots of "Six of Crows" with the finale of "Crooked Kingdom" to create something entirely new. Jesper Fahey (Kit Young) and Wyland Van Eck (Jack Wolfe) fall in love, Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter) reveals his tragic backstory with Pekka Rollins (Dean Lennox Kelly), and Inej Ghafa (Amita Suman) is freed from her indentured servitude and becomes a free pirate. While this is all directly taken from the books, none of these plots are meant to happen until far later in the timeline. 

Only Nina Zenik (Danielle Galligan) and Matthias Helvar (Calahan Skogman) seem to be experiencing their narratives in the correct chronological order. Matthias ends up in Hellgate, and Nina ends up in Ketterdam and finds Kaz — all right on time. The unlikely couple is primed to meet in whatever season adapts the main plot of "Six of Crows." In addition to this, the "B" plot includes an entirely new arc, featuring a powerful Grisha Fabrikator, Ohval Saran (Tuyen Do), and her greatest creation — a sword strong enough to slay shadow. 

Fans will have to see for themselves if they approve of the remixed story structure. Season 2 of "Shadow and Bone" is now streaming on Netflix.