Zack Snyder's Cryptic Darkseid Tweet Has DC Snyderverse Fans Going Bonkers

If there is one thing that Zack Snyder fans are known for, it is their ceaseless devotion to Snyder's vision of DC mainstays like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash. Although Snyder was the former ringmaster of the DC Cinematic Universe, this didn't stop his fans from demanding a version of "Justice League" that was more Snyder and less Joss Whedon. For their efforts, Snyder fans were given a four-hour version of the "Justice League" film, and one might have thought this would have sated their desire, but it may have made it worse.

Considering the state of Warner Bros. and DC at the moment, it seems there have been plenty of shakeups and reshuffling of priorities spearheaded by DC's new film lead, James Gunn of "Guardians of the Galaxy" fame. However, it seems as if Snyder has kicked the social media hornet's nest by posting a short clip on Twitter narrated by the infamous villain Darkseid, asking people to pay attention between April 28 and April 30. Of course, this obfuscated message has sent fans into an absolute frenzy, and speculation is now running rampant.

Fans are all over the place when it comes to Snyder's cryptic message

Zack Snyder captioned his 14-second clip with the hashtag #fullcircle, which only helps to add to the mystery of what will come in a little over a month. Since the future of DC movies is still somewhat ambiguous, confusion and anticipation are reaching a fever pitch in the comments that follow Snyder's tweet, with several like @DanielJFalconer, @TechniqTV, and @richiecastaldo expressing absolute surprise alongside many others. @PlatinumEquinox posted an image of several different anime characters in shock and rhetorically asked what Snyder's message was about.

Others were also excited and enticed by Snyder's mysterious tweet, like @DesertedScope, who shared an image of Snyder channeling lightning bolts and saying they are feeling very "Zacktivated." @Bit_Loud was also ecstatic and posted an image from "The Lion King," noting the king has returned, and @Ashesh1792 wrote, "I feel WB and netflix have gone through a deal for snyderverse. Zack shall finish his trilogy." @hrafntho thinks there may be something about Snyder's post and stated, "Seems like the letters may be blinking with separate brightness throughout. Who's in the mood to hunt for a hidden message?" However, not all were happy with Snyder's tweet, and @embaarg wrote, "Couldn't you advertise it a week earlier? Now we have to deal with the hype from your cult for a month. And with their disappointment when it's just another screening." Whatever Snyder has planned for the future is anybody's guess, and it will be interesting to see what the end of April might bring.

What could the announcement possibly be about?

There's a ton of speculation in the comments as to what the dates could refer to. Plenty of people are holding out hope that the "SnyderVerse" will be bought by Netflix to complete the director's DC vision. That seems ... unlikely, to say the least. And with James Gunn and Peter Safran rebooting the DC film franchise, fans shouldn't hold their breath for sequels to Snyder's "Justice League" to materialize. 

It's worth noting that April 28, 29, and 30 are the last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of that month. As such, it would make sense for some kind of event to take place over that weekend, and SnyderCon seems like the most likely culprit. This is a fan convention that began in 2019 to raise money for charity. It consists of panels and screenings of the director's work. In fact, the very first SnyderCon involved director's cut screenings of "Dawn of the Dead," "Watchmen," and "Batman v. Superman."

Numerous people on Twitter believe this to be the case, with @snyder_all writing, "It's another SnyderCon where he'll screen his DC trilogy. F***ing chillax." It's an opportune time for SnyderCon to come back around, especially seeing how Snyder has Netflix's "Rebel Moon" coming out on the horizon, so it would be a prime opportunity to promote that film as well. This is merely a guess, but it seems far more likely than Snyder being given hundreds of millions of dollars to film DC movies that have nothing to do with Gunn's DC movies.