The Mandalorian S3 Episode 2: Star Wars Keeps Doing A Fan-Favorite Character Dirty

Warning: This article contains spoilers for "The Mandalorian" Season 3 Episode 2.

Three seasons in, "The Mandalorian" is finally honing in on Mandalore itself. The storied planet was once the center of the greatest warrior civilization in the galaxy, but in the more modern eras of the "Star Wars" timeline, it's seen little but hardship and destruction.

After a brutal civil war prior to the prequel trilogy left Mandalore devastated, a new, pacifist government attempted to rebuild and do away with the old warmongering ways. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before that new order fell victim to both internal corruption and conquest from underworld forces during the Clone Wars, leading to yet another cycle of violence.

Things didn't get any better under Imperial rule. As seen in "Star Wars Rebels," Mandalore was plundered for its valuable beskar ore, and its people where subjugated once again. When they tried to fight back, the Empire delivered what was nearly a killing blow, bombing the planet's surface to glass and ash and nearly wiping the whole race from the face of the galaxy.

From the start, "The Mandalorian" has been about the aftermath of the Great Purge. And in Season 3 Episode 2, Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal), Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff), and Grogu venture back to Mandalore itself. It's a powerful episode in a lot of ways, but it's hindered by a baffling refusal to name an incredibly important character — Satine Kryze.

Star Wars has been ignoring Satine Kryze for years

In the wake of the civil war that left Mandalore decimated, Duchess Satine Kryze led the planet in a new, peaceful direction. Or at least, she tried. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" charts her journey from idealistic monarch to failed, overthrown ruler. In the end, Satine dies at the end of the Darksaber — the symbol of her culture's warrior past — as wielded by Darth Maul. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the love of her life, is forced to watch.

If you haven't watched "The Clone Wars" (which, first, go do that), you may not know any of this. Despite being a pivotal figure in both the history of Mandalore and Obi-Wan's own story, "Star Wars" seems incapable of mentioning her these days. For instance, "Obi-Wan Kenobi" is ostensibly all about the eponymous Jedi's guilt and regret following the fall of the Republic. Satine is a huge part of that guilt, representing all that he failed to do as Jedi and reminding him of the other life he could have chosen. And yet, she isn't mentioned once in the show. She isn't even alluded to.

It's also odd that Satine hasn't been brought up in "The Mandalorian" before. Din's Mandalorian faction is descended from Death Watch, an extremist group that was formed explicitly to oppose Satine's pacifist government. Wouldn't Satine still be a symbol to them of where things all went wrong?

The Mandalorian's refusal to name Satine is a slap in the face

Satine Kryze has been ignored by "Star Wars" for years, but it's never felt more blatant than in "The Mandalorian" Season 3 Episode 2, "The Mines of Mandalore." The episode sees Bo-Katan Kryze — Satine's own sister, though you wouldn't know it only watching this show — return to Mandalore to aid Din Djarin in a spiritual quest. Together, they venture through the ruins of the old capital city of Sundari. This is the place where Satine ruled. It's where Death Watch made their first attack, where Satine was killed, and where Ahsoka Tano dueled Darth Maul for the fate of Mandalore.

To its credit, the episode does give some nods to this rich history. Bo-Katan mentions a time when Mandalorians and Jedi fought side-by-side, alluding to her time allied with Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. She also mentions her father, who she claims "died defending Mandalore." But of her sister? The one who took the throne after his death? The one Bo-Katan once hated so fiercely she joined a literal terrorist group? No mention at all.

It's truly baffling that Satine isn't mentioned here. One could argue that Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni don't want to confuse viewers who haven't seen "The Clone Wars," but that's a lousy excuse. Ahsoka and Bo-Katan both feature heavily in "The Mandalorian," and they both originated in the animated series. So why is "Star Wars" still so hesitant to bring Satine back into the picture? Hopefully, this is an issue that will be rectified later in Season 3. But given the recent precedent, that's far from a guarantee.