The Conners Fans Have Mixed Feelings About Harris' Pregnancy Plot

Contains spoilers for "The Conners" Season 5, Episodes 15 and 16 — "Possums, Pregnancy and Patriarchy" and "Hiding In and Moving Out"

Harris Conner-Healy (Emma Kenney) has had one tough row to hoe. Rebellious and defiant much like her mother, Darlene (Sara Gilbert), at a similar age, Harris and her mom frequently bump heads over matters related to the younger woman's future and current well-being. Harris has gone from a teenager who resents her mother's strong-arming nature to a young adult without a regular job whose tendency to jump into impulsive relationships has resulted in romantic disaster after romantic disaster, including an attempt at marriage to Aldo (Tony Cavalero), an older man, which fizzles out before they can walk down the aisle. 

In Episode 15, "Possums, Pregnancy and Patriarchy," Harris announces her pregnancy to Darlene. That results in some major shuffling at the Conner-Olinsky household as Ben (Jay R. Ferguson) and Darlene take Harris in. But in "Hiding in and Moving Out," Harris miscarries. Darlene's obvious relief that Harris won't be forced to bear a baby at a young age enrages her daughter and causes Harris to move back in with Grandpa Dan (John Goodman) and her step-grandma Louise (Katey Sagal).

Fans have had mixed feelings about Harris' pregnancy storyline since it was launched, and "Hiding In and Moving Out" didn't do much more to resolve their confused feelings on the topic.

Fans were not thrilled about Harris' pregnancy -- but some sympathized

Twitter and Reddit fans reacting live to "Hiding in and Moving Out" had a lot of conflicted feelings about Harris Conner-Healy's pregnancy, even as it ended in a miscarriage. @XGirlNYC called out Harris' lack of forethought early in the episode. "Baby clothes are expensive and they grow out of it so quickly, this lack of thinking is why she got pregnant in the first place," they said, attaching a GIF of David Rose from "Schitt's Creek" saying, "Just throwing it out there." While some viewers' thoughts shifted later in the program after Harris' miscarriage, others are glad that Harris won't be a mom. "While I am not glad she miscarried...I am relieved they aren't going to add another baby to this mess," opined @justanoutlawfic

They aren't alone. Tons of fans found Harris' behavior to be selfish, and a number just plain dislike the storyline. Viewers couldn't believe that the show went to the trouble of creating a pregnancy storyline only to have Harris miscarry in the next episode, echoing the complaints of Reddit fans who continue to have issues with the show's writing

Yet some viewers sympathized with Harris. "So tragic and sad. Wish I can give her a hug," said @mylesspike86. "Hoped the pregnancy would last longer than an episode," admitted u/klutzysunshine on Reddit. Fans will have to keep tuning in to find out if Harris manages to get her life together.