The Hilarious Way Sons Of Anarchy's Dayton Callie Learned About Unser's Fate

Dayton Callie's character of Wayne Unser came so close to making it to the "Sons of Anarchy" series finale, one episode short to be exact. However, his SAMCRO ties and love for Gemma Teller Morrow (Katey Sagal) ultimately cause his demise at the hands of Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam).

Throughout all seven seasons, Unser is a regular face in the town of Charming, California, as he navigates his police duties, all while willingly assisting the outlaw motorcycle club. Despite this arrangement working well for the most part over the years, Unser's SAMCRO meddling catches up to him in the end. In Season 6, Tara Knowles (Maggie Siff) confides in him part of the plan for Jax to turn himself in as she safely leaves Charming. Naturally, Unser runs to tell Gemma, but vital details get lost in translation, mainly how Jax is in on the plan.

Under the impression that Tara is ratting out the club, a raging Gemma kills Tara, causing a distraught Jax to place a death sentence on his own mother. Unser, who admits his love for Gemma, tries to save her life by arresting her, but Jax shoots him in the chest. This is moments before Gemma's own demise in the garden. 

Season 7, Episode 12 ("Red Rose") is a shocking one as Jax takes out two key characters back-to-back. Fans were certainly stunned by this chain of events, but no one was more surprised over Unser's death than Callie, who learned about his character's fate in a rather hilarious way.

Katey Sagal accidentally revealed Unser's fate to Dayton Callie

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Dayton Callie revealed that he was made aware of Unser's fate before getting his hands on the script for that fateful episode. While eating lunch, Callie casually asked co-star Katey Sagal if she had read it yet, and her unintentional facial reaction told him everything he needed to know.

"The look on her face said I was dead," he recalled with a laugh. A little later, Callie received more evidence of Unser's demise that was more concrete than Sagal's sorrowful expression. Someone from either the props or wardrobe department assumed Callie had already gotten the script and told him, "Oh, sorry, man." Callie replied, "Sorry about what?," to which they answered, "Your death."

According to Callie, Unser's death wasn't a huge surprise. In his opinion, if "Sons of Anarchy" creator Kurt Sutter could kill off his own character of Otto Delaney, nobody is safe...especially when they're involved with Gemma. On Reddit, u/insertgoodnamehere23 said of Unser, "I thought he was a great character who tried to do the moral thing at all times but was pathetic when it came to Gemma."

If Callie had his way, Unser's life would have ended in a slightly different fashion. He shared one idea ahead of "Red Rose" in an interview with Yahoo! Entertainment, suggesting that his death would occur in a non-brutal fashion at the escort service. He said, "If I know Kurt, it ain't going to happen. But maybe he could, and he'll [Unser] just die on the massage table."