Logan Lerman Described Filming Hunters' Intense Series Finale As 'Almost' Cathartic

Historical fiction sometimes has the benefit of being able to retell a story the way audiences wish it had gone in the first place. Adolf Hitler is one of the most despised political figures in human history, and yet he, and many others of his ilk, like Josef Mengele, never saw the inside of a courtroom for their unspeakable crimes against humanity.

It is this legacy that shows like Amazon Prime Video's "Hunters" are reckoning with to this day. More akin to "Inglourious Basterds" than any other Holocaust story, the series sees a group of mostly Jewish operatives sent out into the world to hunt down escaped Nazis who have fled Germany in the years following the end of the war.

While this historically inaccurate approach has courted controversy from some, there is absolutely something to this sort of narrative, as other examples like Steven Spielberg's more factual "Munich" clearly show. For Logan Lerman, though, who starred as Jonah Heidelbaum across both seasons of the series, an ending that sees Hitler finally brought to justice was a satisfying conclusion.

Logan Lerman likes the idea of Hitler being forced to stand trial

Logan Lerman has been acting for years, but few of his roles will have hit as close to home for the actor as his role of Jonah in "Hunters." As an actor of Jewish descent, Lerman can understand the seriousness of anti-semitism firsthand. While his character has the chance to kill Adolf Hitler at the tail end of Season 2 of "Hunters," Jonah ultimately decides to bring him to justice, a choice that Lerman told The Hollywood Reporter he appreciates. "It was really interesting for me as a viewer, as an actor, a person in the room," Lerman explained. "Watching these scenes in person, to feel like this almost sense of catharsis, this cathartic release."

Lerman went on to point out how powerful it was to see the leader of the Third Reich finally face justice for his unfathomable crimes in "Hunters." "I thought that was such a brilliant decision by David Weil and the writers in the writing room," Lerman said.

Like with Quentin Tarantino's aforementioned revenge film, it is, of course, much more satisfying to watch this real-life villain get his comeuppance, so it's pretty easy to see where Lerman is coming from here. It's also an interesting juxtaposition for a series as focused on violence and retribution as "Hunters" is to ultimately land on a non-violent solution for one of history's greatest monsters.