What Is The Song In The Farmer's Dog's Super Bowl 2023 Commercial?

That's right, it's Super Bowl time again. For many fans out there, this means attending parties, consuming a horrendous amount of junk food, guzzling down adult beverages, and spending time with friends and family. However, for some, the big game isn't about the game itself. To them, equally important to the championship contest are the highly anticipated commercials that businesses pay top dollar for. What's different nowadays than how it's been in the past, is that many of these new spots don't actually premiere on the day of the big game, but get an early release on either TV or online. One of these early releases comes from the canine health food company The Farmer's Dog. Its content, along with the song playing in the background, surely pulls at the heartstrings.

The Farmer's Dog commercial, with a 60-second running time, starts off with a young girl bonding with her puppy, Bear. As the girl starts to grow up, so does her dog. However, that doesn't change the special connection they have, which includes playtime, walks, and of course, eating The Farmer's Dog's products. The spot flash-forwards to the girl, who is now a teenager, still being part of Bear's life as she enters a car and heads off to college. Another time jump shows her as a young adult, and Bear is back with her full-time, standing at her wedding, and then together in her new home with her husband and new baby. What really enhances the tone of the commercial is the perfectly selected song that plays in the background. So what is this tune, and who performs it?

The song is Forever by Lee Fields

It may be tough to find anyone who watches the new Super Bowl commercial for The Farmer's Dog who doesn't have at least some form of emotional reaction to it. However, the song that plays in the background plays a critical role in all these feels. The tune is titled "Forever" and it is performed by Lee Fields. Although the song itself may sound like it was a hit back in the '60s or '70s, it's actually a new single. That's not to say that the tone and style of "Forever" doesn't connect back to that time period. Fields actually kicked off his musical career by recording for a variety of small record labels during the 1970s (via AllMusic). And, as you can tell by this recent track off his latest album, "Sentimental Fool," Fields absolutely still has the goods.

When Fields got started, his style was so similar to the talented musical genius James Brown that people started calling him "Little J.B." The North Carolina native continued to churn out multiple albums throughout the '80s and '90s, jumping onto the deep funk movement with his 1998 album "Let's Get a Groove On." Now, Fields' single "Forever" will be heard around the world when The Farmer's Dog spot airs during Super Bowl LVII. This wouldn't be the first time Fields has had his music used for some form of TV or film. Some of his songs have been featured in productions such as "Soul Men," "Magic Mike XXL," and "Bloodline."