Dave Matthews' Ozzy Osbourne Impression On SNL Might Be The Best Of The Musician Ever

Impersonating heavy metal legend Ozzy Osbourne — who just announced on Wednesday, February 1, that he will no longer be touring as a musician — doesn't sound like it would be too hard on the surface. But one watch of Dave Matthews' Prince of Darkness impression from the 2009 season of "Saturday Night Live" is all it takes to realize just how much of an artform playing Ozzy truly is. 

"Watching old SNL and for real, Dave Matthews' Ozzy impersonation deserves a f***ing Oscar," declared Twitter user @wildaffairs_. "I think about Dave Matthews impersonation of Ozzy Osbourne on SNL way too much," said @goingtoashowpgh, while user @kerrynoce proudly proclaimed: "Dave Matthews does the best Ozzy Osbourne impression ever!"

The curtain may have officially come down on Osbourne's touring career, but the rocker's spot in pop culture history will forever remain intact thanks to the immense impact he's had on performers and the entertainment industry as a whole, with Matthews' impersonation from "SNL" being a perfect example of how the legend of Ozzy lives on.

'I Am Tired, Man'

Dave Matthews' Ozzy Osbourne impression, which came during "Saturday Night Live" Season 35, Episode 7, featured the equally-iconic singer in full Ozzy garb, belting out a re-worded hit called "I Am Tired, Man" — which is a play on Osbourne's Black Sabbath song "Iron Man" and its opening lyrics. If that doesn't sound epic enough, the entire thing went down on the Andy Samberg-led "Mellow Show" and saw Matthews playing an extra chilled-out Ozzy, while Bill Hader was impersonating Matthews simultaneously.

"Dave Matthews playing Ozzy Osborne making fun of Dave Matthews while sitting next to Bill Hader playing Dave Matthews is one of the most existentially hilarious things I've ever seen," wrote Jon on YouTube. "Damn man, Dave Matthews (the real one) absolutely killed it with his Ozzy impression," said another YouTuber. "That was hilarious."

Osbourne, who has played fantasy and fictional characters over the years, has been portrayed on "SNL" a number of times in the past, with notable cast members like Phil Hartman and Horatio Sanz playing him — though Matthews' could still be considered the best impression of all.