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Craig Mazin Explains The Final Shot Of The Last Of Us Episode 3

Get in your Chevy and crank Linda Ronstadt — Episode 3 of "The Last of Us" is a real tear-jerker. In an interesting break from Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie's (Bella Ramsey) story, this episode follows the tertiary character, Bill (Nick Offerman). Joel and Tess (Anna Torv) often spoke of the reclusive survivalist miles outside of Boston who they hope will take Ellie off their hands. Instead of a breakneck race for our (anti) heroes to find refuge, this is a tender and emotional episode about Bill's life.

Shortly after the Infected take over the world, Bill meets Frank (Murray Bartlett), a stranger who has fallen into one of his traps. Though there is some initial trepidation, Bill invites Frank inside for a meal. And that, as they say, is history. The two find love and meaning with each other and spend the next 20 years in romantic fulfillment. Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. Whether it be from an Infected bite or the harsh reality of old age, you have to say goodbye to your partner one day. Frank's degenerative illness means that his life has come to a close. He and Bill decide to die on their terms and spend their last moments in their bedroom in each other's embrace. The last lingering shot of the bedroom's open window was a touching one that Craig Mazin wrote for an important purpose.

Bill and Frank's story is uplifting

Listening to the song at the end of Episode 3 will never be the same. The heartfelt ballad about unrequited love was a perfect choice for Bill and Frank, a couple who found each other in middle age and never left each other's sides. Craig Mazin told Deadline that the themes of this relationship resonate to the end of the episode as the viewers look through their open window.

"I mean, it's something that, as a player, I just always loved the start screen in 'The Last of Us,' looking at this window and how peaceful it was, even though the world is not peaceful, and what happens to these characters isn't peaceful," Mazin noted. "And it seemed like a good place for us to go; there's an opportunity to show both the idea of this permanent love that's always going to be there in that building, in their home, but also just the theme of that window being the epitome of peace in the world of 'The Last of Us.'" Love is a prevalent theme in "The Last of Us," for better or worse. Love destroys Joel, a man who can never get over his daughter's death. And in Bill's final note, he tells Joel that he was wrong and there are people worth opening your heart toward. Bill and Frank's love still reverberates through the house. Even a simple breeze through the window reminds viewers of the meaningful connection.