Deadliest Catch's Jake Anderson Once Sat In The Wheelhouse Chair For 42 Hours Straight
Anyone who works a 9-to-5 desk job likely knows the back pain, leg cramps and other issues that come with being stationary for so long. At first thought, such a sedentary day probably isn't associated with the role of a crab fisherman, especially those battling the Bering Sea on Discovery's "Deadliest Catch." However, sitting for extended periods of time is a requirement for some on board.
For days, weeks or months at a time, Sig Hansen, "Wild" Bill Wichrowski, and the other captains lead their crews in acquiring as much king crab as possible. Whether it's the F/V Northwestern or F/V Summer Bay, there's usually much movement throughout the boat. Massive pots are dropped in a line at strategic points and, after several hours, are hauled back on board with the catches of the day. According to Men's Journal, these fishermen average 18 hours of work, with a daily schedule of 6 a.m. to midnight. Once the crabs are sorted, the crew eats, showers and sleeps (all in extremely tight quarters), only to repeat the exhausting cycle again in a few short hours.
Not everyone on the boat is tasked with such strenuous labor, but the other jobs aren't any easier on the body. As the crew does its thing, the captain must sit in the control room for that 18-hour shift to check on navigation, possible weather threats, and other key aspects of the voyage. Jake Anderson, captain of the F/V Saga, once sat in his wheelhouse chair for a shocking amount of time.
Jake Anderson's 42 hours in the wheelhouse chair weren't as bad as it sounds
Fans of "Deadliest Catch" and the spinoff "Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns" know that Jake Anderson, who got his start on Sig Hansen's F/V Northwestern, has been through a lot in life. Trials include his addiction recovery, which is chronicled in his book "Relapse," and coping with the sudden and mysterious death of his father. He has patience and perseverance, traits that came in handy during particularly long shifts captaining the F/V Saga.
In an interview for Boat Life, Anderson revealed the lengthiest stretch of time spent sitting in the wheelhouse: 42 consecutive hours. "I got up and I did not pass out," he said with pride.
Anderson credited the Saga's STIDD Systems chairs for helping him complete those nearly two days at the helm with virtually no physical issues. He didn't even need to wear leg compression sleeves – a commonly-purchased item by captains. "They're designed to withstand long hours of sitting there and not creating blood clots in your legs," he said of STIDD's products.
Even on a comfortable seat, not many people would put themselves through such a taxing shift for a job. However, when taking into consideration the hefty paycheck, some may reconsider. In an interview with People, F/V Dungeon Cove captain Kenny Ripka said, "It varies year to year. We don't get paid a wage or a salary, we get paid on percentage and what we deliver. We've had years of me skippering boats where I've made upwards of $150,000 to $170,000 a year."