Shrinking Star Michael Urie Describes Harrison Ford's On-Set Behavior, Calls Him A 'Cranky' Leader

People's interactions with their co-workers can run an entire gamut of feelings. Some people may look at coworkers as friends, while others may see them as competitors, or treat them with some kind of ambivalent apathy that separates work from home life. That isn't to say that actors don't share the same kind of feelings regarding each other, with Express reporting on the infamous contempt Tommy Lee Jones held for Jim Carrey on the set of "Batman Forever," or Decider noting that Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore have an exceptional friendship.

"Shrinking" is an upcoming series on Apple TV+ that focuses on therapist Jimmy Laird (Jason Segel). After some incredibly potent trauma that weighs heavily on Laird's mind, he begins giving exceptionally blunt, abrasive, and oftentimes true advice to his patients. This results in shocking responses, though his words start to resonate with his patients in ways they never thought possible. Some of Segel's costars on "Shrinking" are Harrison Ford and Michael Urie, with Ford's character of Dr. Paul Rhodes acting as a guiding hand to Laird. Urie has recently appeared on a late-night talk show, and he definitely has an interesting way of elaborating on what it is like working with Ford.

Urie says Ford is gruff but appreciates a good joke

While out promoting "Shrinking" on "The Late Late Show with James Corden," Michael Urie was asked what it was like to work with the legendary Harrison Ford, with Corden joking and wondering if Ford is as intimidating as he seems. Urie laughed, "He is an intimidating guy. He really likes to lead with this cranky and gruff attitude. But he's like an actor, he's just like a regular actor." At this point, Corden's other guest Anna Kendrick interjevted that since Ford is just like an actor like them, that implies that he is crazy. Corden then took hold of the conversation, and asked Urie how one might break the proverbial ice and make common ground with the actor known for roles like Indiana Jones and Han Solo.

Urie replied, "Well, you kind of have to make fun of him a little bit. He loves that. He loves making fun of people. After one of our first scenes together, it was just me and him, and we had done a few takes. They were moving the camera, and I was like, 'you know, you're very good at this,' and he goes, 'And you thought I was just a pretty face.'" With this statement in mind, it seems as if Urie's suggestion about getting on Ford's good side involves a little lighthearted banter, though one should definitely expect it in return. Either way, it will be interesting to see what the on-screen behavior of Urie and Ford's characters in "Shrinking" looks like, knowing that the two seemed to have a good rapport when the cameras aren't rolling.