Gold Rush's Bree Harrison Doubles Down On The Authenticity Of The Show

Reality TV shows sometimes have a more challenging road ahead in winning over fans than some scripted peers. Not only does a reality show have to have an intriguing premise or cast, but by definition of its genre, it also bears the added responsibility of being authentic. Sometimes this is a nonissue as we encounter reality shows that are actually real and captivate viewers, like "Deadliest Catch" or "The First 48." But when it comes to Discovery's hit show, "Gold Rush," questions about its authenticity still pop up from time to time.

In regards to its central focus, "Gold Rush" absolutely shines. A rugged look at modern gold miners toughing it in the Yukon is a fantastic idea for a reality show. And now in its 13th season, it's clear by now that fans think so too. However, that hasn't stopped some from wondering if the show is fully scripted. Perhaps the most damaging to the genuineness of "Gold Rush" came from one of the former cast. Jimmy Dorsey stated that "Gold Rush" is scripted, even alleging how producers steered a fight that left him with broken ribs. Yet Dorsey isn't the only former cast member to speak on the realness of "Gold Rush," as Bree Harrison from Seasons 9 and 10 also once gave her two cents in a Reddit AMA. But instead of saying it was all fake, Harrison doubled down on the show's authenticity.

Harrison emphasized the stressful gambling aspect of mining

In 2020, Bree Harrison did a Reddit AMA for "Gold Rush" fans. But one fan, in particular, asked Harrison to talk about the show's authenticity and how the miners on "Gold Rush" operate a million-dollar risky business. Harrison then explained why everything, according to her account, on "Gold Rush" is authentic. "The show is NOT scripted, and we are absolutely a real mine site," Harrison posted in the AMA. "Moving that much dirt is insanely expensive and a huge gamble when you can't guarantee what you'll get out of the ground. Fuel alone is a huge expense, on top of wages, maintenance, parts, feeding the crew, etc."

Harrison's answer highlights the crushing failures we've seen from the cast of "Gold Rush." From digging sites ultimately producing nothing worthwhile to machine equipment breaking down, "Gold Rush" has displayed numerous obstacles that would seem cruel and a massive waste of money if entirely scripted. Plus, all those setbacks definitely helped in producing stressful moods ripe for some of the shows' more dramatic shouting matches or violent fights among coworkers.

Speaking of equipment breakdowns, while the timing of those occurring on the show could feel too convenient for fans, Harrison added that miners work their machinery long past their peak. "I understand why people find the breakdowns hard to believe," Harrison further posted. "But the reality is that the conditions and work we do is harder on equipment than other industries, and I can say that after working off seasons in logging and construction."

Producers have asked cast members to repeat themselves

As Bree Harrison passionately described, the work on the mining sites of "Gold Rush" may very well be real. But that doesn't mean producers aren't around to give everything a type of shape for viewers. According to the series producer, Ed Gorsuch, when it comes to producer influence on "Gold Rush," it is more of an attempt to stay in sync with the mining teams and follow their lead. In 2017, Gorsuch told Reality Blurred that there is no script, and no one is telling what the mining teams to do. But producers do outline the teams' plans and film as much as possible. However, it's the latter where producers can run into some issues, as something crucial might casually happen offscreen.

"Occasionally, discussions will happen off-camera—Parker will go talk to Rick over dinner one night, and we weren't filming it," Gorsuch told Reality Blurred. "The next day, we show up, and they've got equipment in a different part of the claim, and they're doing something new. We're like, 'What happened here?'" Gorsuch continued to note in the interview that, as a result, such moments equal cast members having to do that conversation on camera for the sake of having a beginning to the story or scene.