How Paola Lazaro Behaved On Set Of The Walking Dead, According To Josh McDermitt

From the moment it premiered in October 2010, it was clear that AMC's "The Walking Dead" was going to be a television sensation. Sure enough, the post-apocalyptic drama, based on Robert Kirkman's famed comic series, became just that ... and quite a lengthy one to boot. The program stuck around until November 2022, racking up an impressive 11 seasons and nearly 200 episodes before it bid viewers farewell, leaving a deep legacy behind it. All the while, it kept up a steady pace of character introductions, ranging from original creations to longtime comic book favorites.

Yes, even when the end was on the horizon, "The Walking Dead" continued to add more survivors to its roster — and one of the arguable standouts from the program's waning days is Juanita Sanchez, also known by the alias Princess. A staple of Kirkman's print works, she made her live-action debut in the Season 10 episode "Look at the Flowers," complete with an appropriately flashy wardrobe and ear-to-ear smile. Actress Paola Lázaro was tasked with portraying the character, who was fortunate enough to survive to the end of Season 11, and therefore, the entire series.

Naturally, all eyes were on Lázaro as she made her "The Walking Dead" debut, with longtime stars unsure of what to make of their new colleague. As for tenured "The Walking Dead" presence Josh McDermitt, he didn't mince words when it came to describing his lasting impression of Lázaro's behavior on set.

McDermitt found working with Lázaro to be a delight

Josh McDermitt spoke with Comic Book Resources to discuss his "The Walking Dead" tenure and behind-the-scenes experiences. That includes dishing on one of his co-stars, Paola Lázaro, who seemed to leave quite a positive impression on him. 

"She's awesome," McDermitt said. "She brings such a fun energy to set. We met her at the end of Season 10. She came in and was just instantly very comfortable with everyone, a tremendous actor," he said, commending her for her sense of humor as well as her willingness to get serious when necessary. McDermitt also gave her credit for coming into the "The Walking Dead" franchise with every intention of leaving it better than she found it. 

"She has hilarious stories," he added. "Even her just telling a story about going to the grocery store to buy an apple or something is chock full of these weird things that have happened to her and her comments on it and that sort of thing."

Not only did Lázaro leave a positive mark on "The Walking Dead," but she seems to have done right by audiences as well. Speaking to Insider, she detailed what it means to her that she could portray Princess in a way that spread awareness about mental health conditions. "When I go to conventions, I have people come up to me and thank me for the character. I'm just so thankful that I get to play a character that speaks on that," she told the publication, citing the importance of exploring things like PTSD, anxiety, and ADHD.

Paola Lázaro didn't spend much time in the "Walking Dead" world before the hit series ended, but it's plain to see that her time was worthwhile.