The Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer Has Star Wars Fans Bracing Themselves For Another Order 66 Flashback

The Disney "Star Wars" era may have seen its ups and downs, especially as far as the movies are concerned, but arguably the era's greatest strengths have lied in the realm of television. And there's no better example of this than the hit Disney+ original series, "The Mandalorian."

First airing in 2019, "The Mandalorian" takes place a few years following the events of "Return of the Jedi" and centers on a lone bounty hunter (Pedro Pascal) who must fight his way through various forces to protect the baby Grogu and reunite the infant with his own kind. Its first two seasons have been beloved amongst "Star Wars" fans and critics alike (via Rotten Tomatoes), with many appreciating the show's thrilling high-stakes action and intriguing mystery that isn't afraid to keep its audience asking questions.

And now fans are bursting with a whole new crop of questions as the first trailer for the upcoming third season of "The Mandalorian" has finally dropped. Along with the aspects of the show that fans know and love coming back, it's looking like there might be some surprises in store that could indicate a darker turn of events — and maybe some surprise appearances.

Could Darth Vader make an appearance?

The new trailer for "The Mandalorian" Season 3 has fans ready for another adventure in the galaxy far, far away. But amongst the trailer's bevy of high-flying action, strange creatures, and colorful locations, fans feel one little detail might lead to a big reveal.

One shot sees a band of Jedi prepping their lightsabers while something slices its way through a door. To many, this can only mean one thing. Twitter user @RaFe_Pt says, "They are showing us what happened to Grogu during ORDER 66 ... " The secret protocol that saw the Galactic Empire turn on the Jedi has been a defining moment throughout the "Star Wars" franchise, and it appears that "Mandalorian" could be showing us a new perspective of the dreadful event.

Others believe that the moment shown in the trailer might just be an appearance from one of cinema's greatest villains. On Twitter, @Feazy_G exclaims, "THIS HAS TO BE ANAKIN ON GROGU'S FLASHBACK, RIGHT? RIGHTTT???" while @conezzy18 more calmly states, "That's Vader coming thru those doors."

Fans probably wouldn't be too surprised to see a flashback featuring the notorious Sith lord, given how Season 2 managed to wrangle in a de-aged Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) for a surprise appearance. A de-aged Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) also appeared in flashbacks during the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" series. One flashback, in particular, saw the fallen Jedi lead an attack on his former comrades' temple on Coruscant, the same temple where Grogu grew up. While an Anakin appearance may not be as big of a surprise as the return of Luke Skywalker, it would nevertheless make for an awesome reveal that could elevate the already acclaimed series to new heights.