Bryan Cranston Is Still Totally Down For A Malcolm In The Middle Revival

Just saying that the Wilkersons of "Malcolm in the Middle" represented the typical American family would be like calling "The Brady Bunch" modern and down to Earth. The series, which starred Frankie Muniz as the title character, gave us endless examples over seven seasons of how family dysfunction can be downright hilarious. Flash forward to today, it's hard now hard to think of Bryan Cranston, who played Malcolm's dad, Hal, without him wearing a black pork pie hat while sporting a bloodstained goatee. And despite "Breaking Bad" sending him towards mostly dramatic roles, he's recently expressed interest in stepping back into the fictional shoes of Hal.

Now that reboots so commonly pop up on our screens, just one drop of interest from Cranston might make any "Malcolm" fan perk up. However, as Muniz explained, this interest is more than a drop, and it isn't new news either. When he spoke with Fox News back in November 2022, Muniz expressed his own interest in a revisit. "I would love to know what the family's up to," he said. Even though that would be enough to get fans buzzing, he followed with, "I know Bryan Cranston is really into the idea and he's kind of heading writing the script and getting everything rolling. So, there might be something." 

And if that wasn't enough to create some Hollywood chatter, Cranston himself just added fuel to the revival fire.

Bryan Cranston wants to see Malcolm, 20 years later

It's been about 17 years since fans got to watch Malcolm and the rest of the Wilkerson clan hilariously trek through family life together on Fox's "Malcolm in the Middle." But, just recently, when speaking with E! News, Brian Cranston said he would love to know what his fictional wife Lois (Jane Kaczmarek) and sons Reese (Justin Berfield), Dewey (Erik Per Sullivan), and Malcolm are up to after all this time. And although he didn't directly confirm Muniz's revelation that he was writing a script, Cranston did point out that there have been recent discussions about making the fantasy come to fruition.

While chatting about Season 2 of his new Showtime series "Your Honor," Cranston was asked about the possibility of a "Malcolm in the Middle" revival. "There was some talk about the possibility of doing like a reunion movie of 'Malcolm in the Middle,'" he revealed. "We had such a great family on that and I certainly would be open to that if there was a good idea that came up like, 'Oh, that would be fantastic to explore what happened to this family 20 years later.'" 

Well, whether Cranston is actually heading up the writing or just waiting for news with the rest of us, fans will have to embrace this bit of hope and keep their fingers crossed that it will actually happen.