Cloak And Dagger Full Trailer Shows Off The Mystic Powers Of Tandy And Tyrone

Boy meets girl, dark meets light and Cloak meets Dagger all at the same time in the first full trailer for the upcoming Marvel Television program Cloak and Dagger. Check out the trailer for the Freeform series up above.

Cloak and Dagger is the latest in an ever-expanding slate from Marvel's television division, following two young heroes with complimentary powers of darkness and light. Olivia Holt stars as Dagger, AKA Tandy Bowen, while Aubrey Joseph stars as Cloak, AKA Tyrone Johnson.

Where previous trailers have focused on the parallel lives of the two young heroes-in-the-making, the new trailer finally reveals the duo's powers. Dagger is able to create physical, knife-like beams of light, while Cloak is able to manipulate a pocket dimension of endless darkness to teleport himself and others around the world or into an endless void.

A "young adult fiction" vibe hangs heavily over the previews for the series, which is largely in keeping with the source material. While Cloak and Dagger often appeared older in their comic book appearances, their stories were always rooted in a teenage angst and sense of despair that the two runaways were never quite able to shake, only relying on each other (and each other's powers) in a world that's out to get them.

In addition to Holt and Joseph, the series also stars Andrea Roth, Carl Lundstedt, Gloria Reuben, and J.D. Evermore.

For more about these relatively unknown characters from Marvel's robust rogues' gallery, check out all the trivia that not even diehard fans know about in our feature on the previous adventures of Cloak and Dagger.