Charlize Theron Thinks The Behind-The-Scenes Drama On Mad Max: Fury Road Was A Reason For Its Success

Few movies released in the past 10 years have earned the sort of universal adoration bestowed upon George Miller's "Mad Max: Fury Road." Released in the Summer of 2015, the mind-boggling action-spectacular not only became a legit box office hit, but wowed both critics and audiences in equal measure, and shocked the whole of Hollywood by becoming that rarest of action movies to earn an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture. Perhaps even more surprising is that "Fury Road" not only topped numerous year-end lists, but was eventually voted the best film of the decade by critics (per IndieWire). 

If you've seen "Fury Road," you know it's hard to argue any of those accolades because, well, no one had ever really made a film quite like it before. That includes Miller, who'd already written and directed three "Mad Max" flicks before he ever got "Fury Road" off the ground. As we now know, however, not all was copasetic for the film's cast and crew during production, with stars Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron being particularly vocal about what a grueling shoot it was.

For his part, Hardy famously apologized to Miller for his self-professed apathy on the film once he saw the finished project (per Vanity Fair). Seems Theron's opinion of "Mad Max: Fury Road" also changed dramatically once she saw it. And the actor now believes the behind-the-scenes drama is a big reason the film succeeded.

Theron believes Fury Road was a 'lightning in a bottle' sort of chaos

Charlize Theron made that admission during a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Given that it's one of her best-loved films, it was hardly surprising when the topic of the "Mad Max: Fury Road" turmoil came up. It was, perhaps, even less surprising that the always-candid Theron spoke so frankly of her experience. 

"Listen, I know I said, 'Oh, as an actor, you want to be challenged," Theron quipped, reportedly laughing as she added, "but you don't want it to be that bad." She continued, "It was a long, long shoot. I have never done anything that needed that kind of endurance, and I don't think I ever will [again]." Theron goes on to say she's never believed actors or storytellers need such trauma to tell a good story, but quickly noted, "but there's a little bit about the circumstances around that movie that I think gave it the magic ... I do think somehow the lightning in a bottle that you're always trying to catch happened on that movie."

Like Hardy, Theron goes on to admit she couldn't grasp what George Miller was doing on "Mad Max: Fury Road" until she saw the film, saying, "I never really truly appreciated or respected George Miller's vision until I saw [the completed film and] went, "Oh my God, this is what was in his head the whole time and I couldn't hear it." Theron obviously hears it loud and clear these days. And though she's not returning for her "Fury Road" character's prequel film "Furiosa," the actor says she's open to working with Miller again if he comes calling.