Marvel Announces New Cast Members For Punisher Season 2

Frank Castle's silence will soon be broken.

After carving a path of revenge over the course of his 13-episode first season on Netflix, the Punisher of Marvel's The Punisher is going to make some new acquaintances in the upcoming season 2.

According to a cast announcement made by Marvel, Josh Stewart, Floriana Lima, and Giorgia Whigham will join the cast of The Punisher in its second season. Someone's gotta fill the space left behind by all the dead people, after all.

Stewart will be playing a character described as "John Pilgrim", whose outer calmness belies an inner ruthlessness. After having done his best to leave violence behind him, circumstances will force him back into Frank Castle's vengeful orbit, and his old skills will get put to use once again in lethal fashion. Stewart previously appeared in the movies Insidious: The Last Key, Interstellar, and Shooter.

Lima is coming onboard the series in the role of "Krista Dumont", a psychotherapist who works with military veterans. Prior to the Punisher, Lima has had regular roles on Supergirl, Lethal Weapon, and The Family.

Finally, Whigham will join the cast as "Amy Bendix", a street-smart petty criminal with a shady background. 

"We are incredibly excited to have Josh, Floriana and Giorgia joining the cast of Marvel's The Punisher and seeing them bring their talents to the next chapter in the Frank Castle story," said Steve Lightfoot, series showrunner, at the time of the announcement.

The three newbies join a cast which already includes Jon Bernthal, Ben Barnes, Amber Rose Revah, and Jason Moore. 

The only character among the three who appears to have a past in Punisher comics is Amy Bendix, who previously appeared in the 90s-era series The Punisher: War Zone and The Punisher War Journal, playing an ally to the Punisher who helps him heal in a time of need. 

None of the three appear to be related to Barracuda or Kathryn O'Brien, two characters from the comics that Lightfoot previously floated as possible season two inclusions. As is usual with The Punisher, it's not easy to tell friend from foe, but these three look more like allies than big bads, at least for now. Only time — and further casting announcements — will tell.

The Punisher is expected to return in 2019.