Laura Donnelly Is Ready For A Werewolf By Night Sequel

"Werewolf by Night" was truly like nothing Marvel had ever released before. Not only was it a black and white throwback to classic monster movies, but it was a one hour one-shot special to Disney+ that doesn't rely on its connections to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. Led by Gael Garcia Bernal, the special followed a very different hero, one afflicted with the werewolf curse thanks to his bloodline. 

"Werewolf by Night" was a hit with critics and audiences, earning 90 percent approval with both on Rotten Tomatoes. The real question now is what Marvel will do with this property. While characters like Man-Thing were introduced to the MCU through the special, there was no real indication of where things will go or if this hour-long story will ever connect to the larger Marvel universe. Director Michael Giacchino has said though that he's absolutely open to more chapters. 

"These are people that I have such an affinity for. So would I want to do more with them? Absolutely, I'd want to do more with them. I have a lot of ideas of things I'd want to do," he said (per Bustle).

"Werewolf by Night" star Laura Donnelly, who portrays Elsa Bloodstone, has also opened up about her thoughts on reprising her role for a potential sequel. 

Laura Donnelly wants a Werewolf by Night sequel to focus on Jack and Elsa

Laura Donnelly is completely down for a "Werewolf by Night" sequel, and she revealed she hoped a follow-up will focus on the relationship between her character, Elsa Bloodstone, and Jack Russell (Gael Garcia Bernal). The actress also said a sequel could give her an opportunity to bring her character closer to her comic book inspiration. 

"Any opportunity to explore [a sequel], I would leap at, and I would also love to explore that relationship between Elsa and Jack as well. That's just one that is just touched on and you see the beginning of something blossoming and we don't know what that is. And I love working with Gael. I would be very, very happy to — just call me," Donnelly told The Wrap

As for her performance in "Werewolf by Night," Donnelly got into the perfect mindset for a black and white monster movie, researching her role by viewing classic films like "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" and she loved the film "Werewolf by Night" end up being. "I wasn't beholden to the character from the comics and we weren't having to connect everything up to the rest of the MCU. It just felt like we were making a Halloween movie, exactly what Michael had pitched to me," the actress said.