AHS:NYC Fans Can't Stop Comparing Big Daddy To Michael Myers After Episode 8

"American Horror Story" features more than a few gruesome and frightening characters across its many seasons, but few of them have managed to replicate the particularly unsavory aura of the Big Daddy from "American Horror Story: NYC." A hulking man clad in a face-hiding leather mask and harness who can seemingly appear and disappear at will, the serial killer claims numerous victims all across 1980s New York over the course of the season. Beyond that, it's kind of difficult to detail just who exactly Big Daddy is. Is he just some depraved guy? Is he a ghost? Is he some sort of spiritual metaphor related to the confusing deer storyline? This ambiguity persists throughout "NYC," but many viewers can agree on one thing regarding Big Daddy: he's really, really creepy.

Episode 8 of "American Horror Story: NYC" offers up yet another couple of frightening sequences involving Big Daddy, as he stalks and attacks Patrick, Gino, and several other main characters during a stay on Fire Island. While watching the episode, several avid horror fans took note of some key similarities between the leather-clad big bad and another classic serial killer icon: Michael Myers from "Halloween."

Michael Myers and Big Daddy have a lot in common

Few sequences from horror cinema are as iconic as the visage of the white-masked Michael Myers appearing out of nowhere and slowly marching towards his victims, knife in hand. As "American Horror Story: NYC" viewers noticed, Big Daddy appears to borrow some of the "Halloween" creep's biggest trademarks, including his relative lack of speech, his menacing slow walk, and, notably in Episode 8, his vanishing act. "I think Big Daddy and Michael Myers are cousins cause the way he just disappeared," @Kimberl20063156 tweeted.

Other fans, like @carlichym, similarly noted a lot of crossover between the two characters. One fan even noticed that Big Daddy shared Myers' uncanny knack for keeping his mask on after getting wounded, even when the main characters have a prime opportunity to reveal the culprit. "Taking off his mask would have been the first thing I did after shooting him!!!" @buckeyehunk tweeted. "After encountering him for all this time, you didn't remove his mask?"

If the parallels between Myers and Big Daddy are purposeful, it wouldn't be the first time that Ryan Murphy's horror anthology series has drawn inspiration from the classic "Halloween" franchise. As Digital Spy notes, "American Horror Story: 1984" features a killer named Mr. Jingles, who escapes from a psychiatric institution in much of the same fashion as Myers in his original film. It seems that "Halloween" only continues to carve out its mark on "American Horror Story" as time goes on.