Gal Gadot Posts Heartwarming Tribute To Wonder Woman Director Patty Jenkins

Director Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman served as a ray of hope for the DC Extended Universe, was a total goldmine for Warner Bros. and DC Films, and was applauded by critics and fans alike. Few recognize this as much as the film's lead actress, Diana Prince herself, Gal Gadot. 

On Friday (February 2), Gadot shared a touching tribute to the filmmaker, thanking Jenkins for her dedication to bringing the character to life and commending her for all the effort she put in creating what would become the DCEU's first sweeping success

"This #femalefilmmakerfriday post is for the incredible Patty Jenkins. So much to say about this incredible woman," wrote Gadot on Twitter, using the increasingly popular hashtag that aims to help spotlight women in the filmmaking industry. "Not only an admirable storyteller. She is a wonderful leader, not afraid to (literally) get into the trenches. Lucky to call her a collaborator, friend, sister in film."

Gadot attached four photos of Jenkins at work — directing Gadot and her co-star Chris Pine (who plays pilot Steve Trevor), holding a huge camera, laughing with Gadot and Pine while they presumably watch a playback, and talking with Gadot on set in the south of Italy, where the film's Themyscira island scenes were shot.

Making a movie of any kind is difficult, but making Wonder Woman was clearly no east feat. Jenkins even discussed that fact in an interview with VanityFair, explaining that she was "obsessed with the tone" of the superhero pic. 

"It was the hardest thing. Particularly because the story we were talking about could so easily skew another way with any of the chapters. You start in a fantasy world of women in costume, and then you go to real life, World War I England ... and then you end up in the supernatural ... and then you have a love story," said Jenkins. "I brought in all of my [department heads] every week. I would sit and hammer home, 'We have to be so careful that we don't veer from one movie to another movie, first of all, and, second, that anywhere that [Gadot] walks out in a Wonder Woman suit, it just doesn't look ridiculous.'"

Jenkins will likely have to repeat that in-depth (and slightly exhaustive) creative process for the upcoming Wonder Woman sequel, though something tells us if she can do it once, she can definitely do it again.