Danny McBride And Chris Hemsworth Face A Water Buffalo In New Dundee Clip

It's really too bad this is all reportedly just for a Super Bowl commercial.

A week ago, People shared a teaser for Dundee: The Son Of A Legend Returns Home, a purported sequel to the Crocodile Dundee franchise that nobody knew was coming. With Danny McBride as Brian Dundee, the American son of the original Crocodile Dundee played by Paul Hogan, and Chris Hemsworth as his local guide, it looked pretty convincingly real. 

But according to the Brisbane Times, it's actually just a viral marketing campaign for Tourism Australia, and we'll probably see more of it during the Super Bowl. 

Still, there's a new official clip from the "movie," and it gives us another look at McBride and Hemsworth in action. Well, they're sort of in action. When a water buffalo stands in the middle of the road, McBride tries to use mind control to convince it to move. Check it out above.

As far as reboot ideas go, this wouldn't be the craziest. But it definitely would've been incredible if McBride and Hemsworth were able to secretly film an entire movie, even if it it was shot in Australia. Considering that McBride is working on the Halloween reboot he wrote with director David Gordon Green and Hemsworth has been filming for Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 for the past year, it would've been tough to squeeze in another feature film. 

Whatever happens, we're eager to see the rest of this.