Are Erica Durance And Kristin Kreuk From Smallville Friends In Real Life?

Beginning in 2001, the CW series "Smallville" told the story of Clark Kent in the years before he moved to Metropolis and formally became Superman. The series was developed by the team of Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, who most recently worked together on the Netflix series "Wednesday." With the show's focus being on Clark's early years, it meant that his most famous partner, reporter Lois Lane, was not part of the cast of "Smallville" from the start. Instead, Clark, played by Tom Welling, was often seen with his childhood friend Lana Lang, who was played by Kristin Kreuk.

However, Season 4 sees Lois Lance coming to Smallville, initially to investigate her cousin's apparent death. The character was played by Erica Durance, who was a recurring performer in the show's 4th season before becoming a regular from the 5th season until the show wrapped up with Season 10.

With both Kreuk and Durance spending years working on the show together, many no doubt wonder if the two became friends off the show and if that friendship lasted once "Smallville" came to an end. 

The duo's friendship is still going strong

Kristin Kreuk and Erica Durance have remained friends in the years since "Smallville" ended. At a New York Comic Con "Smallville" reunion panel, the cast was asked when the last time they had seen each other was. Kreuk casually responded, "I saw Erica a couple of weeks ago at home." Tom Welling reinforced that the duo remain friends and often spend time together, and Durance noted that the two are "actual, real friends" (via Popverse).

At the WonderCon convention in 2013, Kreuk also spoke about the possibility of reuniting onscreen with Durance (via KsiteTV). She mentioned that the two had discussed the show Kreuk was on at the time, the CW series "Beauty and the Beast," and Kreuk and Durance were both open to the idea of the latter making an appearance on the series, but that it would have to be a role and story that suited both of them. Durance, however, did not end up making an appearance on the show, or on Kreuk's subsequent series, the legal drama "Burden of Truth." 

Kreuk has remained friends with other "Smallville" cast members as well, appearing on the podcast "Inside Of You," hosted by Michael Rosenbaum, multiple times. Rosenbaum and Kreuk also co-starred on "Smallville," with the former playing Superman antagonist Lex Luthor. Kreuk's most recent appearance on the podcast was in February 2022 (via YouTube).