Why The Last Of Us Trailer Has Gamers Already Impressed With HBO's Adaptation

HBO recently released the first trailer for "The Last of Us," its upcoming adaptation of the extremely popular video game series of the same name, and the hype machine is now in full force before the show premieres in 2023. Much like the games, "The Last of Us" television series looks to be set in a post-apocalyptic future, where the world has been overrun by a fungal infection that turns humans into zombie-like Clickers. The story itself centers around Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey) as they travel across the United States in order to find out what makes Ellie immune to the Cordyceps infection and how it can be used for a cure.

The trailer showed off some very impressive set pieces and horror action that fans of the games have come to expect from any "The Last of Us" adaptation, which makes sense given game developer Naughty Dog and franchise creator Neil Druckmann's involvement in the show. With this in mind, the recently released trailer has impressed gamers familiar with the source material for one big reason in particular.

Gamers are impressed with The Last of Us' faithfulness to the games

HBO Max officially released the first trailer for "The Last of Us" on September 26th, which is itself an important day for "The Last of Us" franchise, and the response to the first bit of marketing for the show has been overwhelmingly positive. YouTube user JTReviewsPlus summed up their feelings about the overall trailer well, saying, "This trailer captures the game perfectly: the world is bleak, the tone is atmospherically dark, and the characters are overcoming insurmountable odds... safe to say I cannot wait to watch this!"

They weren't the only one impressed with the show's seeming faithfulness to the games, either. Charlie Malick admitted they were impressed with the look and feel of the zombie-like Clickers and how much they resembled their game counterparts. User Mars noted that there is usually little to hope for when it comes to live-action adaptations of video games but admitted that the trailer impressed them. "You know, I always have no hope for live actions when it comes to cartoons/ anime, and video games. But this literally looks so promising and this is the first time [I] am hyped for a live action. Hope it doesn't disappoint."

In fact, a lot of the comments had nothing but praise for the trailer, and more than a few comments chalked it up to the high quality that HBO often tries to shoot for in comparison to other networks. Whether or not it'll live up to this level of hype remains to be seen, but for now, HBO has garnered a lot of goodwill from gamers.