Rings Of Power Episode 5: Adar Doth Protest Too Much?

Contains spoilers for "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" Season 1, Episode 5

With every passing week, the more extensive the suspect list for the Sauron hiding in plain sight becomes. Sure, Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) might be looking out for someone in pointy armor and a big army behind him, but given the aggressive nature of some of the characters in Amazon's "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power," we might have a very treacherous, very powerful being in our midst already. Wild a theory as it might be, the tweaks and changes happening to J.R.R. Tolkien's world in this series mean there's a high chance that the Dark Lord could be wandering around rubbing shoulders with Dwarves, Elves, or even Harfoots in this iteration of Middle-earth. Everyone is a suspect and may have to try a ring on eventually just to prove they aren't.

That being said, this week's episode seems to certify that there's one candidate worth kicking out of the lineup. He's barely made a dent in the series so far, yet when the great threat Galadriel fears is mentioned, it garners an interesting response and a sign that certain characters on "The Rings of Power" see Sauron in very different ways.

Call the dark Elf Sauron again, 'Adar' you

Near the closing of this week's episode, we see sides already being chosen in the Southlands, with those following the Dark Lord off to see the Orcs and their mysterious Elven commander, Adar (Joseph Mawle). The group's leader, Waldreg (Geoff Morrell), who has already revealed his faith in Sauron to Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin), presents himself to the cult-like leader of the Orcs, only to make an incorrect assumption. Doing so showed a side to this fallen Elf that we haven't seen before and that could very likely appear again in the future.

When Waldreg speaks to Adar, he refers to him as Sauron, seemingly enraging the villainous leader. With the mere mention of the name, Adar lashes out, pushing Waldreg to the ground, who is shocked to find he'd got the wrong man. It may have confused those who journeyed to see the Orcs, but for audiences, it clarifies that Adar isn't Sauron after all but another presence, one with a potentially different plan from that of the other growing force in Middle-earth. While the future already confirms which dark presence comes out on top, it leaves Adar's future far more uncertain than that of some of the more prominent players on "The Rings of Power."