Melissa Lemieux

Photo of Melissa Lemieux
United States Of America
Evil Dead, The Conners And Roseanne, Laverne And Shirley
  • Melissa is a dyed-in-the-wool aficionado of blue-collar comedies such as "Grace Under Fire," "Laverne and Shirley," and "My Name is Earl" She is such a devotee of "Laverne and Shirley" that she owns several pieces of memorabilia from the show, including one of Laverne's signature L-emblazoned sweaters and a chair from Cowboy Bills.
  • She grew up watching "Roseanne," despite her love for the show and its spinoff, she thinks "The Conners" works a lot better without lead Roseanne Barr. She's also glad Darlene and David broke up and likes Darlene's relationship with Ben more.
  • Melissa conducted an interview for Newsweek with Christopher Schonberger and Sean Evans, the founders of "Hot Ones" and "First We Feast." The interview was retweeted through their official social media.


Melissa Lemieux has been in entertainment journalism since she was a teenager and has always wanted to bring the truth to light with her words. She has moved from distributing her own professional wrestling newsletter to working for Newsweek in the span of ten short but busy years. In between, she has worked as a freelance celebrity interviewer who has contributed her work to websites such as The Deadite Slayer and Deadites Online. She has been working at Looper for over three years running.


Melissa is a high school graduate who is currently working on her college education.
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Stories By Melissa Lemieux