Why One Shot From The Thor: Love And Thunder Trailer Has Some Fans Livid

Near the one-minute mark of the newly released official teaser for "Thor: Love and Thunder" there's a shot of what appears to be Thor and Korg standing on top of a mountain peak and looking out over the carcass of an enormous beast. But as eagle-eyed fans were quick to point out, that shot is nearly identical to a panel from writer Jason Aaron and illustrator Esad Ribic's "Thor: God of Thunder" comic book series.
Fans took to Twitter to decry the use as theft of intellectual property as well as morally bankrupt due to the fact Marvel does not compensate illustrators for the use of their concepts. It should be noted that we don't know exactly what compensation is given to comic book artists in cases like this, but they lay very little legal claim to the work after handing it in.
The use of Aaron and Ribic's work in "Thor: Love and Thunder" is only the latest in a series of controversies that have had people begging Marvel Studios and Disney to fairly compensate the creators whose work they use on the silver screen. Last year, "Hawkeye" comics illustrator David Aja, whose work inspired the miniseries of the same name, called out Marvel and Disney for omitting his name from the credits and denying him compensation.
Disney has also been in hot water for its refusal to pay or accredit “Star Wars” novelists after using their work to create a profit. The problem is so widespread that even famed comics writer and novelist Neil Gaiman has spoken out against Disney's Scrooge-like treatment of working artists.