Writer and creator Taylor Sheridan is best known for creating the highly-acclaimed series “Yellowstone” and its spin-off series “1883.” However, in addition to writing and directing, Sheridan is also known for his work in front of the camera, including a role as Charles Goodnight on “1883.”
Sheridan played Deputy Chief David Hale for two seasons on FX’s hit series “Sons of Anarchy.” Hale operates as one of the last honest officers in Charming until he begins allying with Jax Teller and his biker gang, SAMCO, ultimately dying in a drive-by shooting at a funeral.
Sheridan also appears in a recurring role in “Yellowstone” as Travis Wheatley. A horse trader by vocation, Wheatley is a through-and-through cowboy, known for his no-nonsense attitude and expert horseback abilities.