TV - Movies
Where Is Kenae
Dolphus From My
600-Lb Life Now?
The latest season of "My 600-lb Life" introduced viewers to Kenae Dolphus, who weighed in at almost 615 pounds at the beginning of her journey. While she struggled at first, we did see more positive progress from her before the cameras stopped rolling — and many were left wondering how she fared after her time on the show was over.
A heartfelt Facebook post the day after her episode aired read, "At 7pm last night my private life was put on display," confessing she was "worried [she'd] opened Pandora's box at the expense of my sanity and my families privacy and safety." However, she also cited the "love encouragement and support" following her experience on the show.
Dolphus has shared anecdotal updates on social media, appearing to pursue further progress with dogged persistence. One recent post showed a water workout, filmed poolside as she detailed her routine for fellow swimming slimmers.