TV - Movies
What Really
Happened To
Samantha Mason
From My
600-Lb Life?
Samantha Mason was one particularly memorable member of the cohort on “My 600-Lb Life,” taking part in its most recent season from December 2020 to March 2021. Her job as a fetish model saw her make a virtue of her unusual size, but the lifestyle led to spiraling weight gain that pushed her to seek help from the show.
In December 2020, Mason reported that she was going into rehab as a part of her recovery process, but she insisted that her experience on "My 600-LB Life" had been a hindrance, not a help, to this healing. A vocal critic of what she calls "the 'let's exploit the fat people and laugh at them publicly' show", she accused its creators of maltreatment and disingenuous motives.
Since appearing on "My 600-lb Life," Mason has endured savage online abuse, but she takes a defiant attitude to those who criticize her weight and lifestyle. In fact, she maintains an online presence and continually reports on her progress, showing in her most recent TikTok video that she has traded food for coloring books. Here's hoping she will continue to persevere.